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Keeping abreast of conversion optimization trends and technologies can be tiring. Even more so when the terms/keywords used by conversion experts are going over your head. This glossary aims to help you by bringing all popular CRO terms — basic as well as advanced — in one place. To make the list comprehensive, the terms have been compiled from a wide range of conversion optimization disciplines such as A/B testing, Website Design, Online Ads, SEO, and more.


A/A Testing

A/A testing is a statistical test performed to compare two identical experiences on a random set of users. While the traffic is distributed equally among both variations, the objective of an A/A test is to validate a statistical test that it returns no difference in conversion rates between the two experiences.

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A/B Testing

A/B testing is an experimentation process where two or more versions of a web page/product/app (or an element of a webpage/product/app) are tested on the audience for specific goals to measure which version creates the highest impact on business metrics.

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A/B/n Testing

A/B/n testing is a method used in website optimization to compare multiple versions (A, B, and potentially more, hence the "n") of a webpage, feature, or element. 

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Above the Fold

In the digital world, ‘above the fold’ in a website means the content a visitor sees when your page loads before they scroll down.

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Account-based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic marketing strategy focussing on a few large and important or potential accounts which hold a greater promise of adding to a business's bottom line.

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Ad Viewability

Ad viewability is a key metric in digital advertising that tracks the number of ads served by digital advertisers which are actually seen by users.

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Affiliates act as intermediaries between businesses and potential customers by utilizing various marketing strategies to drive traffic and generate sales.

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Alt Text

Alt text is a snippet of descriptive text-based substitute for non-text content or an embedded piece of HTML code that conveys the meaning and context of a visual item (photos, graphics) in a digital environment such as web pages, PDFs, or apps.

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Anchor Text

Anchor text refers to the visible clickable words that help in moving from one web link to another. It is usually displayed in a different color and could be underlined. A good link text informs the user of the context/outcome of clicking that link.

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App Personalization

App personalization is the process of customizing the in-app experience to a user's unique requirements and preferences.

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Application Programming Interface (API)

An interface/intermediary that allows two applications/programs to talk to each other.

Authority Site

Authority sites are the websites that the search engines consider to be of high-quality.

Average Order Value

Average order value (AOV) refers to the average amount of money spent by a customer when they place an order on a website, mobile app, or in-store.

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Baseline conversion rate is the existing conversion rate of a website, which an A/B test attempts to improve.


Bayesian is one of the two mutually exclusive sets of statistical fundamentals (the other one being Frequentist statistics) that can be used to model any statistical problem. Bayesians consider the parameter of interest to be subjective (a distribution of possibilities) described by a belief distribution that is updated on observing data.

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Behavioral Science

Behavioral science represents the study of human behavior through the use of systematic experimentation and observations.

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Behavioral Targeting

Behavioral targeting allows marketers to target customers based on their web-browsing behavior with relevant content that improves campaign effectiveness.

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Below The Fold

‘Below the fold’ refers to the bottom section of a web page that is only visible after scrolling down.

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Bounce Rate

A “bounce” occurs when a user visits a website and leaves without interacting or performing any action. The bounce rate refers to the percentage of visitors who bounce off a site.

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Brand Engagement

Brand Engagement is the process of building and sustaining a customer’s commitment/attachment to a brand.

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Bucket Testing

Bucket testing is a technique that compares the performance of two or more iterations of the same page.

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Call To Action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is a written instruction in marketing campaigns that encourages or prompts website visitors to take the desired action.

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Campaign Scheduling

Campaign scheduling allows you to plan when your campaigns will start and stop, making sure they reach your target audience at the optimal times. You can set start and pause dates and times, and even repeat your campaigns on a set schedule. Scheduling your campaigns helps you avoid conflicts, optimize your data, and maximize the impact of your campaigns on your target audience.

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Canary Testing

Canary testing is the process of employing actual users in a live (production) environment to test a new software version or functionality.

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Canonical URL

A canonical URL is the preferred version or the best representative of a web page amongst a group of duplicate pages.

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Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment occurs when customers add items/products to their online shopping cart but leave the website without making a purchase or completing the transaction.

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Churn Rate

Churn Rate is a metric that refers to the percentage of customers who unsubscribe from a service and discontinue any kind of engagement with an entity over some time.

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Click Area

Click area is the clickable or tappable part of links and buttons on websites and apps. It is the area that gets highlighted while hovering over a button or link.

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Click-Through Page

Click-through pages are standalone web pages designed with a singular purpose: to entice visitors to click through to another page, typically a sales page or a registration form. 

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Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) is a digital marketing metric used to measure ad performance in terms of the number of clicks received on the campaign against the number of views (impressions).

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Click-to-call streamlines the process of initiating a VoIP call directly from your website or app. It eliminates the need for users to disrupt their browsing flow by manually entering a phone number.

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Clickbait refers to the advertising/marketing tactic of writing sensationalized headlines, images, or captions to grab a user’s attention and encourage clicks on a piece of content.

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Clickmaps serve as a great way to perform qualitative analysis and understand user behavior at a granular level. Analyzing these maps tells you the number of clicks on each of your website elements. They inform you about how users browse your website, what elements they interact with the most, and what causes friction in their journey.

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Clickstream refers to the record of user interactions with a website or digital platform, detailing the sequence of pages visited, actions taken, and the time spent on each page.

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Client-Side Testing

Client-side testing is the experimentation process of rendering variations at the browser level.

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Cloaking is an unethical SEO technique where the content displayed to users is different compared to the information presented to the search engine crawlers i.e. spiders or bots to improve rankings.

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Code Editor

A code editor is a text editor with features that specifically help write a programming language for a computer program.

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Confidence Interval

A confidence interval is the degree of uncertainty in a particular metric of interest, typically an average. It tells you how confident you can be that the experiment's estimated metrics reflect what you would expect to find if it were possible to obtain data of the entire population instead of a limited sample.

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Confidence Level

A confidence level is a measure of the likelihood that a hypothesis or prediction is accurate. It is often expressed as a percentage.

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Content Delivery

Content delivery is the process of sharing, publishing, and promoting content to the target audience through various channels and media formats.

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Content Hub

A content hub can be defined as a centralized repository with a collection of pages that provide information related to a common topic.

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Content Intelligence

Content intelligence is the process of combining various software with the capabilities of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to conduct market research and gain insights into the effectiveness of certain types of content.

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Content Management System

A content management system, also known as CMS, is a software application that enables users to create, manage, modify, and publish digital content such as web pages, blog posts, etc. on a website without the need for specialized technical and coding knowledge.

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Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of planning, creating, sharing, and publishing high-quality content for the sole purpose of reaching the target audience - new and existing.

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Control Page

A ‘control’ in A/B testing or Split testing refers to a page of a website or version of an app screen that you compare to other variants to identify areas that may be changed to boost conversions or other metrics.

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Conversion is the action that marketers want a website visitor to take. Newsletter sign-ups, account registrations, and product inquiries are generally considered as micro-conversions. A monetary transaction is generally considered as a macro-conversion.

Conversion Funnel

A conversion funnel also referred to as a “sales funnel”, is used to describe the route taken by a visitor to become a customer. It explains the different stages of the journey that the customer takes from becoming aware of a brand to making a final purchase.

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Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is a business metric that represents the percentage of users who take the desired action such as making a purchase from your site or signing up for your newsletter.

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Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion rate optimization is the practice of continually improving a website’s ability to affect conversions.

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Cookies are one or more little pieces of information from a website that are preserved in a web browser that can be retrieved by the website at a later time. Cookies are used to inform a server that a user has returned to a specific web page. When visitors return to a website, a cookie remembers their preferences and allows the site to offer customized settings and content.

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Cost Per Acquisition

The cost per acquisition, or CPA, is a vital marketing metric that calculates the total costs of a user taking a certain action that concludes in a conversion.

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Cost Per Click

Cost per click (CPC) is a digital marketing statistic that establishes the price that advertisers must pay for the clicks that their advertisements receive when they are shown on websites or social media platforms like Facebook ads, Google ads, and others.

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Cost per thousand impressions (CPM) is a paid advertising option frequently used to calculate how many thousands of individuals your marketing or advertising item has made an impression on.

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A crawler sometimes referred to as a “bot” or “spider,” is a computer program that search engines employ to automatically explore web pages and links to gather information for indexing.

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CRM System

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is an effective tool for businesses to manage customer interactions and relationships.

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Cross-Domain Tracking

Cross-domain tracking in the context of Google Analytics refers to the monitoring of website visitor activity across two or more domains. It enables you to see sessions from related websites as a single session rather than two distinct ones.

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Cross-selling is a growth technique that involves recommending related items to go well with a customer’s purchase to increase the sale.

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Controlled experiment using pre-experiment data (CUPED) is a variance reduction technique used in A/B testing.

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Custom Conversion

Custom conversion is a goal type that allows users to track custom events that are not triggered by clicks/page visits. This goal type will trigger a javascript code snippet when the condition is fulfilled.

Customer Data Platform

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a type of database software that builds permanent, consolidated records of all of your customers, their characteristics, and their data.

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Customer Journey Management

Customer journey management is the process of utilizing technological advancements and behavioural orientation to enhance the customer experience. It aims to reduce consumer effort on various channels and platforms, creating a smooth experience each time a user engages with your business.

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Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is the method of producing a visual narrative of your consumers' experiences with your company.

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Date-Range Filters

Date-range filters is the ability to filter a report for a specific date range. For example, view a Goal’s conversion report when a marketing campaign was live for a week on the website.

Digital Customer Experience

Digital customer experience or DCX refers to every digital interaction a customer has with a brand. The activities might include conducting an online search to understand your product, looking at customer reviews on the online marketplace, requesting customer support or self-service portal assistance, or interacting with your mobile app.

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Digital Experience Platform

A digital experience platform (DXP) is a centralized digital portal that enables a brand to develop and deliver personalized and unique content experiences for consumers across a variety of digital environments with the help of data and artificial intelligence.

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Digital Marketer

A digital marketer produces new leads, increases brand recognition, and promotes products and services through numerous digital channels, such as social media, emails, blogs, and online adverts. Digital marketers build, execute, and enhance a company's overall digital strategy.

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Directional Cues

Directional cues are visual elements of a website that are used to direct visitors’ attention to a specific area on the website (a CTA or an information box).

Do Not Track

Do not track is a browser setting that communicates to websites that visitor’s internet usage should not be tracked by analytics tools, although many websites might still collect some data to improve security, serve relevant ads, and so on.

Drop-Off Rate

The drop-off rate is the percentage of visitors who visit the website and enter the conversion process (the funnel) but do not proceed further or take the desired action.

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Dynamic Content

Dynamic content refers to any digital or online content that transforms in response to a user's actions, choices, and interests.

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Dynamic Heatmap

The dynamic heatmap is a behavior analytics tool to collect relevant customer interaction data on digital properties. The dynamic heatmap works on the live website and maps user behavior on intuitive elements like menu bars.

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eCommerce Platform

An eCommerce platform is a complete software solution that enables online retailers to manage their operations. eCommerce website builders, accounting and inventory management systems, and customer service infrastructure are all part of this type of service.

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Elements List

Element list is a report type under website heatmaps that shows the list of elements on a page sorted by its relative importance in terms of clicks it has received.

Email Marketing

Businesses use email marketing as a tactic to send out promotional emails to their prospects. Email marketing helps disseminate promotional offers, cultivate leads, and boost the effectiveness of content marketing initiatives.

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Engagement Ratio 

Engagement ratio measures users’ interactions, encompassing activities like scrolling, clicking, typing, zooming in, and more on a website. A high engagement score signals high user attention, leading to positive user experiences and increased conversion rates. Zeroing in on customer feedback and creating customer-focused content can help improve the engagement ratio on a website.

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Enterprise Commerce

Enterprise commerce refers to companies that have a wide range of goods and services, may operate globally, and frequently generate enormous annual sales.

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Exit Pop-Up

Exit pop-up is a pop-up that is displayed on the screens of website visitors as soon as they show an intent to leave the website.

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Exit Survey

An exit survey is a method to take qualitative and quantitative feedback from customers when they are about to exit the brand touchpoint. The touchpoint could be a retail or a digital store.

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Experience Analytics

Experience analytics is a process of collecting, analyzing, and measuring user interactions with digital products and services to understand and improve the user experience.

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Experience Management

Experience management is a process of monitoring, measuring, analyzing, and improving interactions that various stakeholders have with the business. These stakeholders can be individuals who are employees, customers, suppliers, vendors, etc.

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Experience Optimization

Experience optimization is the process of strengthening vulnerable areas in the customer experience in an attempt to enhance brand impression and loyalty. It is an ongoing practice of leveraging data to enhance all of your interactions with customers.

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Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is a type of marketing that actively involves consumers and invites them to take part in a brand experience to build strong emotional bonds between them and the brand.

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Eye Flow

Eye flow is the natural path that eyes take to go through content. Eye flow tracking helps create visual cues to guide the end-user through the content and take action.

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False Positive Rate

The false positive rate (FPR) is a critical metric that reveals how frequently a phenomenon is mistakenly identified as statistically significant when it's not. This measure is vital as it indicates the reliability of a test or outcome.

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Feature Branch

A feature branch is a separate branch in a version control system (such as Git) created to develop a specific feature or functionality.

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Feature Flag

A feature flag is a method for altering a portion of software's capability without modifying and redistributing its original code, allowing for the quick and secure introduction of new functions.

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Feature Rollout

Feature rollout is a methodical and strategic release of a new feature to a product, such as an app. The objective is to reduce the risk of errors, hotfixes, and negative impacts on the user experience.

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Feature Testing

Feature testing is the process used to test several iterations of the feature to find the most successful version that offers the greatest user experience.

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Feature Toggles

Feature toggles are a technique in software development that enables teams to turn features on and off without deploying new code. This allows for continuous delivery and enables teams to quickly test and validate new features without impacting the end-user experience. By using feature toggles, you can increase the speed of delivery, reduce risk, and increase agility in your organization's development process.

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Field Level Statistics

Field level statistics is that part of a form analytics report that provides insights on the performance of individual fields in terms of time spent, refills, ignores, etc.

Form Analytics

Form Analytics is a research capability that helps assess the performance of forms on a webpage.

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Form Testing

Form testing is a procedure used to evaluate the quality of an online form to check its functionality and efficacy and boost conversion rates.

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Friction is caused by elements of a website that confuse or distract visitors, resulting in a loss of conversions. Friction-causing website elements can be complex navigation links, cluttered boxes, CTAs with a lack of visual contrast, etc.


A conversion funnel is a marketing model that illustrates all steps taken by a customer towards purchasing a product from a website.

Funnel Testing

Funnel testing is a method to test various iterations of a website or landing page to see which converts visitors into buyers most effectively.

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Gamification is the practice of introducing game-style offers to potential/existing customers. The idea is to encourage them to complete more transactions — in a fun and engaging way. Loyalty program is an example of a gamification strategy.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is an important regulation that safeguards the usage of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to protect the privacy of European website visitors' personal information.

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Geo-fencing is the practice of targeting users based on their location. It involves using GPS/map technology to create a virtual boundary around a physical location and sending targeted messages to users when they enter the area.


Geo-targeting is a form of marketing that enables businesses to concentrate on customers based on demographics and behavioral patterns in addition to a specific geographical area.

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Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is an experimental approach to finding the most effective strategies to grow a business.

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Guardrail Metric

Guardrail metrics are the business metrics that you don't want to see negatively impacted while conducting experiments like A/B tests.

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Headline Testing

Headline testing is the practice of creating multiple versions of titles for an article or piece of online media so that they may be tested on various audience groups to see which one performs the best.

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A heatmap is a visual depiction of data that shows how users interact with a website, showing where they click or don’t, for example. They are crucial in determining what functions well or incorrectly on a web page.

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Hero Image

A hero image is a large, attention-grabbing picture with text typically shown in the above-the-fold area of the webpage, directly beneath the website header.

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Hesitation Time

Hesitation time is a field-level stat in a form analytics report that shows the time spent by the visitor on the field when they were not actively filling it up.


Hyper-Personalization is a kind of user-level personalization algorithm that focuses on treating every customer as an individual and tailoring the content served to them accordingly.

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A hypothesis is an idea derived from observing the behavior patterns of visitors in an attempt to improve their experience on the website. The hypothesis is then tested to prove or disprove it by understanding the impact on goals associated with it.

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Impressions are a popular metric used by digital marketers to assess how frequently their advertisements were shown to their target demographic.

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Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is an effective strategy for producing excellent content that meets the demands of your target markets and fosters enduring relationships with customers.

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Information Scent

Information scent refers to the cues or signs that assist users in determining the relevance and value of information while navigating through websites or applications. 

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Interruption is a practice of providing attention-grabbing content to website visitors that purposely breaks their usual website navigation experience. Exit pop-ups can be considered as a form of interruption.

Inverse Metrics 

Inverse metrics are considered better when their values decrease. A reduction in their value is seen as an indicator of improvement in the overall visitor experience on a website. For instance, a lower bounce rate suggests higher visitor engagement, and a lower form abandonment rate signifies smoother visitor interactions with webforms.

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JS Variable

JS variable is a targeting condition that evaluates a custom criteria using javascript variables defined on a page.


Landing Page

A landing page is a web page created to encourage visitors to perform a certain activity.

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Landing Page Optimization

Landing page optimization is the process that involves assessing landing pages, making adjustments, and testing the results to enhance user experience and eventually boost conversions.

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Latent Conversion

Latent conversion refers to the delayed or indirect conversion actions that occur as a result of previous interactions, engagements, or exposures to a brand, product, or service.

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Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of drawing in visitors and turning them into potential clients.

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A lead is someone who has expressed interest in the goods or services offered by your business and has given you some basic information that would indicate that they are considering doing business with you.

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Lifetime Value

Lifetime Value (LTV) refers to the total net profit accumulated from a customer throughout their association with a business. This metric takes into account all purchases, repeat transactions, referrals, and any other interactions that contribute to revenue generation. 

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Live Chat

Live chat is a real-time chat-based customer support service that websites provide to their visitors.

Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are search queries made of more than three words. These keywords have low search volumes but are less competitive than head keywords. They bring website traffic by targeting niche audiences with specific search intents.

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Meta Tags

Meta tags are a part of a website’s HTML code that search engines crawl and index to collect more information about that website and display content on search engine ranking pages. They influence click-through rates and audience engagement with your website.

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A microsite is a small website created to promote specific business goals, like selling a product, generating leads, event registration, etc.

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Mobile App A/B Testing

Mobile app A/B testing is a way to test different versions of an app to see which one works best. It is used to figure out which version of the app will make people more likely to take the desired action, or which version will have a better impact on the app's business goals.

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Multi-Armed Bandit Testing

Multi-armed bandit testing leverages machine learning algorithms and dynamically allocates traffic to versions of your webpage that are performing well at a given time to maximize your website’s output.

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Multi-Variate testing vs A/B testing

Both A/B and MVT use the same testing process, which involves splitting designs among several website users and identifying which website variation has the most influence on company KPIs based on how visitors engage with the variation after viewing it. But the distinction depends on what is being tested. In contrast to an A/B test, which changes and tests just one element, an MVT may modify and test many elements…

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Multivariate Testing

Multivariate Testing (MVT) is a derivative algorithm of traditional A/B testing that allows you to test multiple changes on the page by generating all possible combinations of these changes at different places on your webpage and testing them in parallel.

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Native App

Native apps are software applications designed to work on a specific operating system or platform. They are written in programming languages only compatible with the specific operating system.

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Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is the hypothesis that the control and variation in a test are equivalent. In hypothesis testing methodology, the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis cover the entire set of possible outcomes.

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Omnichannel Marketing

An omnichannel marketing approach involves nurturing leads and engaging users. It ensures a positive and seamless customer experience through the integration of multiple offline (retail store, events, call centre) and online channels (website, app, social media, email, SMS, WhatsApp) while maintaining a consistent brand presence. 

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On-Page Surveys

An on-page survey is a tool that allows you to gather feedback on a particular page of your website from visitors by conducting a survey and asking them questions about it. These surveys are usually embedded within the page for which feedback is required and are simple, straightforward, and quick to complete.

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Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to the visitors who arrive on your website as a result of unpaid search results.

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Personalization is essentially used to refer to a variety of algorithms and strategies that online businesses use to customize the experience on their websites for different segments of the audience.

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Proximity is a web designing practice that directs a webmaster to group similar or related website elements together, and place unrelated or dissimilar elements apart.


Qualitative Visitor Research

Qualitative visitor research refers to a set of methodologies aimed at exploring the subjective and nuanced aspects of visitors' experiences, behaviors, and preferences.

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Quantitative Visitor Research

Quantitative visitor research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data about visitor behavior, interactions, and preferences on digital platforms such as mobile apps and websites.

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Responsive Website Design

A website with responsive design adapts its layout to that of the viewing environment (mobile, desktop or tablet) to provide an optimum viewing experience to visitors.

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Retargeting is the practice whereby website visitors are shown ads/banners about the things they earlier browsed but didn't convert. Retargeting is used to push those visitors for a conversion who have already shown some interest in the website.

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Revenue Per Visitor

Revenue per visitor is a business statistic used to calculate the overall revenue that each visitor to your website generates.

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The Region of Practical Equivalence in statistics delineates a zone around a baseline where differences, though statistically significant, are considered trivial in practical terms. In experimentation, ROPE enables the early discontinuation of variations that are statistically unlikely to outperform the baseline, helping you avoid wasting time and resources on ineffective changes. Further, if you want to test whether a variation is equivalent or better (but not worse) than the baseline,…

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Sales Funnel

A sales funnel displays the customer journey visually and illustrates the sales process from awareness to action.

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Sample Ratio Mismatch

Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) arises when traffic allocation to the groups in an A/B test deviates from the intended distribution. Maintaining intended sample size allocation between control and treatment groups is crucial for accurate test results and sound decision-making based on them. Hence, early detection and correction of SRM are critical to optimizing test resources and achieving reliable outcomes.

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Sample Size

A sample size is the number of visitors needed to run a test to produce statistically significant results. Selecting the right sample size ensures optimal utilization of resources and shipping of test ideas that have higher chances of winning.

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Scarcity is a psychological tactic that marketers use to push visitors towards a conversion action. It takes advantage of the human fear of 'shortage' or in today's terms, FOMO (fear of missing out) - “Only 5 items left” and “Sale only till 8 PM” are some examples where scarcity marketing is used.


A scrollmap is a type of website heatmap that provides a visual representation of a user’s scrolling behavior. It offers insights into how users scroll across a specific website area, allowing for the identification of UX improvements, the implementation of changes, and a boost in conversions.

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Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is the use of paid advertising to ensure that the products and services offered by your company are visible on search engine results pages (SERPs).

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Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of optimizing a website or web page to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

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Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

SERPs is a search engine result page that displays the best results for a user's search query.

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Sequential Testing Correction

Sequential testing correction consists of techniques used in statistical analysis to mitigate the risk of increased false positives while continuously monitoring test statistics for significance. Sequential testing can increase the chance of declaring a variation to be a winner when it is actually equivalent to the baseline. That is where sequential testing correction helps control this risk by adjusting the level of confidence required before declaring something as significant.

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Server-Side Testing

Server-side testing is the process of experimentation that involves rendering the website variation at the server level before sending it to a user’s browser.

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Session Recording

Session recording is a powerful tool that provides a recorded presentation of how a user navigates a website or mobile application. It operates by recording visitor actions such as clicks, mouse movements, and page scrolling as they move across the website.

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Simpson’s Paradox

Simpson's paradox is a statistical phenomenon in which a trend or characteristic observed within individual data groups undergoes a reversal or disappearance when these groups are aggregated.

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Social Proof

Social proof is a psychological phenomenon based on the idea that individuals are more likely to adopt certain behaviors or make certain decisions if they see others doing the same thing.

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Split Testing

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method used to compare two versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better.

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Split-Url Testing

In a Split-URL test, you create multiple versions of your website hosted on different URLs. On these versions, traffic is distributed randomly and a randomized controlled experiment is conducted. The performance of each of the variant is monitored and evaluated to identify the most effective variation. A split test enables you to determine which of multiple variations of your web pages has a higher conversion rate for your visitors.

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Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a web page designed to collect email addresses from potential consumers.

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Standard Error

The degree to which the result of an A/B test can be apart from the actual figure is called standard error.

Statistical Significance

In a hypothesis test, a result is declared statistically significant if one can rule out the possibility to obtain a result by a random chance, and instead attribute it to a truly existing effect.

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Test Duration

The test duration comes from a sample size calculator which estimates the number of samples needed to estimate a significant effect within the chosen error bounds correctly. This calculation is performed before running an experiment to plan resources such that a timeline of an experiment is decided.

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Test Hypothesis

A test hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through experiments or observations. It serves as a tentative answer to a research question and is formulated based on prior observations, theories, or logical deductions.

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Testing in Production

Testing in production is a standard practice in the modern software development cycle to ensure the release of high-quality products and improve user experience. Using this methodology, marketers can run tests to understand users’ responses to any new feature releases, while product managers can use these data to improve product experiences.

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Title Tag

The title tag is an HTML element used to define the title of a web page.

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Trust Badges

Trust badges are small logos or icons that convince visitors about the safety and credibility of the website.

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Type-1 Error

In an A/B test, if both variations are similar and don’t affect the metric being tested any differently, an error may occur where the null hypothesis is rejected after the test concludes. In such a case, if it’s determined that there is a statistical difference between the variations, the result is a Type I error.

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Type-2 error

During the hypothesis testing process, when the competing variations affect the experiment's metric differently but the test fails to reject the null hypothesis (representing no effect), then it is called a Type-I error or a False Negative.

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Unique Visitors

Unique visitors are internet users who access websites using a distinct IP address.

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Upselling is a sales technique where a merchant encourages a customer to purchase more expensive or upgrade to a higher-end version of products or services that they are already interested in buying.

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Usability refers to the ease of use of a website. The usability of a website can be tested by hired experts, who thoroughly analyze the website and provide suggestions for improvement.

Usability Testing

Usability testing is a technique for evaluating a product/app/website by testing it on a group of users with no prior exposure to it. It is carried out to enable the creation of a successful, productive, and engaging system based on user feedback.

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User Intent

User intent is the intention or goal users have in mind when making search queries. Creating content that meets user intent is imperative if you want your page to rank highly for the keyword you’ve targeted on the SERP. This is because Google considers user intent when displaying relevant search results to users for specific search queries.

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User Journey Map

A user journey map is a visual representation of the steps and experiences that a user goes through in interacting with a product or service.

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User Testing

User testing is the process of knowing how the consumer will perceive your product/service and the whole experience with your brand in a controlled environment.

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User-Generated Content

User-generated content is unique, brand-specific content produced by users or customers of a product or service. It is usually shared on social media or other platforms.

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Variance measures the spread of a dataset by quantifying how much a set of values differs from the mean.

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Visitor Segmentation

Visitor segmentation refers to the practice of identifying certain user groups sharing common characteristics that have a conversion rate very different from the conversion rate when all visitors are considered for analysis. Segmentation analysis is useful to move the metrics in a positive direction by enabling businesses to build a personalized experience for their visitor segments.

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Web Analytics

Web analytics is the process of collecting, analyzing, and reporting data about the performance of a website.

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Web Push Notifications

Web push notifications are messages sent to users through their web browser, even when they are not actively using a website.

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Website Banner

A website banner is a form of digital advertisement which is mostly a rectangular graphic displayed on a website and, is usually, the first contact a potential customer has with a brand. When users click on a banner, they generally are redirected to the advertiser’s own website. 

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Website Optimization

Website optimization is the process of improving various elements of a website to increase its visibility, user experience, and overall performance.

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Website Personalization

Website personalization is the process of tailoring the website experience for a visitor based on past data or pre-set rules.

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Whitespace is a design strategy which involves using blank spaces for directing attention towards a valuable website elements such as a CTA.


Widgets are prebuilt plugins that get quickly inserted into the website's main content and act as standalone apps. The real-time website data is used by widgets, which may be customized to react to the identity of the website. 

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Z-index is a CSS property that controls how items are stacked on a webpage. Each element has a default stacking order based on its position in the HTML document, but the z-index property allows developers to control which elements appear in front of or behind others.

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