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Funnel Analysis

Identify user drop-off points and their causes

Uncover conversion inefficiencies in your lead funnel and investigate the core triggers of visitor exits using heatmaps and recordings.

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visualize visitor journey through funnels in VWO Insights

Top companies rely on VWO's behavior analytics platform

IMB Bank
Neilso active holidays Logo
Discover where your users are dropping off on your website

Discover where your users are dropping off on your website

After investing time and effort into crafting intuitive experiences, delving into the actual user experience is essential. Discover the paths they take, identify the hurdles they encounter, and understand where they're struggling to progress or achieve conversion.

Learn why your users are dropping off

Deep-dive into the reasons for visitor drop-off using heatmaps and recordings seamlessly integrated with our funnel feature. By visualizing their journey, you can unearth concealed challenges faced by users.

Learn why your users are dropping off
Get deeper insights with sophisticated segments

Get deeper insights with sophisticated segments

Harness the power of advanced segmentation parameters such as query parameters, device types, and business-specific custom events. By leveraging these criteria, you can craft intricate segments, applying nuanced bracketing logic for refined filtering of your funnel reports.

Add Observations to your Funnel reports

Document key insights from Funnel reports. Annotate your understanding of visitor flows for immediate reference, streamlining the creation of tailored optimization strategies that resonate with your audience's unique journey.

Add Observations to your Funnel reports

Get enterprise-grade security and support from day one

Work confidently, knowing that we have always got your back for your security and support. Build and scale your testing programs with ease.

Your data is safe and secure with us

We value our customers' trust in our platform. Hence, we try our best to comply with security and privacy mandates across physical and digital geographies.

Explore Privacy & Security
gdpr ready certificattion
ccpa ready certification
International Organization Standardization Certification
gdpr ready certificattion
ccpa ready certification
International Organization Standardization Certification
gdpr ready certificattion
ccpa ready certification
International Organization Standardization Certification

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Enhance VWO account security with two-factor authentication at the user or workspace level using authenticator apps or email passcodes.

Data storage

VWO has data centers in the US, the EU (Belgium), and India. Our CDN uses a load balancer, is hosted on Google Cloud Platform, and spans 10 locations from Japan to Brazil for faster loading.

Dedicated customer success manager

Leverage our training programs and dedicated success manager to optimize your website for better conversions.

Support with a constant CSAT of ~99%

You can count on us all year round for your most minor query while running the most complex experiments. Our technical experts will guide you all year round.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Log into VWO securely and conveniently using SAML 2.0-based single sign-on via identity providers like Google, Azure Cloud, OneLogin, Okta, and others.

Role-based permissions

Get Sub-accounts and varying levels of user permissions to bifurcate testing for client/agency and role division for the enterprise.

Drive your entire optimization program with VWO

Pair VWO Insights with our end-to-end experience optimization platform to enable a data-driven experimentation culture in your business.

Collaboratively build your optimization pipeline

Build a pipeline of experiments with personalized AI-generated optimization ideas for your website powered by GPT-4. Collaborate easily and see them to completion. Build a Kanban board workflow with observations to feed your testing and personalization campaigns. Add team members without restrictions and run your optimization program like a breeze.

Explore VWO Plan
VWO Plan

Create and run data-backed experiments

Evolve your observations from insights into hypotheses you can actually test with our sophisticated experimentation platform . Manage the priority of your experimentation ideas with a robust ICE framework and deploy winning experiments for all your users.

Explore VWO Testing
VWO Testing

Personalize experiences for your visitors

Use behavior analytics to understand how each customer thinks and build meaningful experiences to connect with them better. With VWO Personalize, you can deliver highly individualized experiences to the right audience, at the right place, at the right time.

Explore VWO Personalize
VWO Personalize

Proven to improve business metrics

Learn how our customers use behavioral data insights to improve user experiences, run data-backed experiments, and impact conversion metrics.

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Our customers love VWO Insights!!

Most customers purchase VWO Insights to gather data-driven insights for experience optimization. While our industry-leading G2 ratings and benchmark CSAT scores are evidence enough, here are some success stories in their own words.

Jenny Hughes
Loef Kleinmeijer
Lee Preston

Discover opportunities to improve your website conversions.

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