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SelectHub Uplifts Purchase Rate and Customer Engagement by Testing Product Pages

13.47% Purchases

About SelectHub

SelectHub is a Texas-based technology selection management platform and research firm. It offers product evaluations and scorecards, stakeholder management, and collaboration. Moreover, the platform covers the entire sourcing process, including RFx (request for proposal, request for quote, etc.) processes, simplifying procurement, and vendor selection. It also enables seamless vendor communications and demos.


VWO nails the balance between coding and visual editing. It’s sleek and intuitive.

Farid Asadi

Farid Asadi

Conversion & Experimentation Manager

Farid talks about CRO and all things growth in his blog. You can read it here

VWO offers both a Visual Editor and a Code Editor as powerful tools for optimizing web experiences. The Visual Editor is a user-friendly, no-code interface that allows marketers and designers to make real-time changes to a website’s content, layout, and design elements without coding knowledge.

On the other hand, the Code Editor in VWO caters to developers and technical experts who prefer to customize experiments and campaigns through coding. Together, these two editors make VWO a platform that accommodates a wide range of users, from non-technical marketers to seasoned developers, in their quest to improve conversion rates.


The SelectHub website features product pages with comprehensive and detailed content. However, the SelectHub team identified opportunities to enhance user engagement on these pages.


The initial analysis showed opportunities to improve click activity and scroll depth on product pages. Further, insights obtained from user behavior analysis also indicated room for improvement in call-to-action performance.


Based on the observations, SelectHub’s CRO team created the following hypothesis – 

A new navigation system that made the content easily scannable and consumable, and a change in the design of the CTA buttons, would lead to an uplift in engagement and improve purchase conversion rate. 

Tests run

The CRO team conducted an A/B test on the product pages using VWO Testing. The test ran for just over 4 weeks with desktop traffic divided equally between the control and variation. 


The control had an analyst rating and two CTA buttons followed by in-depth information and images of the product to help users understand everything about the product.


The variation retained the rating but had contrasting colors for the two CTAs. The new navigation system compartmentalized the content by featuring section-wise tabs like overview, pricing, benefits, etc., thus making it easier for visitors to find the necessary information. 

Selecthub Case Study (2)

The test ended with the variation emerging as the clear winner, showing a significant 13.47% improvement in purchases. This improvement had a positive impact on the cash flow.


SelectHub learned some valuable insights from their A/B test. They found that improving the user experience can not only boost engagement and impact brand perception, it can also elevate conversion rate. They also realized how important it is to study different CTA variations and related user behaviors.

Additionally, they discovered that merging their best-performing location with their most effective CTA can produce positive results. These findings underline the importance of experimenting with user experiences and CTAs to improve user engagement and overall performance. 

Grab a 30-day all-inclusive free trial of VWO to experience the comprehensive experimentation capabilities and to understand how you can easily run tests to achieve your business goals. 






Experiment goals

Improve click activity and scroll depth on product pages


13.47% increase in Purchases

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