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VWO Services Helped PearlsOnly Increase Revenue

10% Revenue

About PearlsOnly

Founded in 2003 by Paul Lepa and headquartered in Houston, Texas, PearlsOnly is an online jewellery store specializing in the sales of pearls. A company that was born out of the sheer chance of luck is today a business worth more than $3 million with ever-growing customers in the United States, Canada, UK, and Australia.


One important component of Paul Lepa’s growth strategy since the company started is conversion optimization. He has been using VWO and its professional services to optimize different domains of his website – primarily US, UK, Canada, and Australia.


Paul Lepa wanted to optimize his company’s website across all its domains and improve its checkout page and home page in order to increase revenue.


Even though PearlsOnly had been testing and making required on-site changes since the company was started, owing to a lack of dedicated resources and industry expertise, it was failing to make the best use of conversion optimization.

  “As we tested, we realized that it was hard for our in-house developers to fully concentrate on site changes and A/B testing. Moreover, our knowledge set was also falling behind and we wanted to take a shortcut to get the site optimized. When we found that VWO had a consulting group, we reached out”.

Paul Lepa

Paul Lepa

Founder and CEO
181 Pearlsonly

Tests run

The team of VWO consultants approached the problem with a structured and step-by-step process. They started with research, followed by ideation, design, and then the test:

  • Research: VWO Services analyzed PearlsOnly’s existing Google Analytics data and found some areas for optimization. They saw that a lot of people were dropping off at checkout and that the homepage had a high bounce rate.

During the heuristic analysis done using VWO, the team found that the checkout page was cluttered and was distracting the users from the main CTA. To confirm these observations, they analyzed recordings of visitor sessions on the checkout page and found that visitors weren’t paying attention to the USPs and instead clicking on elements that were taking them away from the page. VWO lets you filter recordings on a wide set of parameters to look for insights from a unique set of visitors. Take a free trial to explore its features

This is what the checkout page originally looked like:

  • Ideation: Armed with these observations, VWO Services first began optimizing the checkout page.
  • Design: The VWO team created an improved version of the checkout page by keeping the CTAs in focus. They removed irrelevant details from the page and highlighted the main CTAs like shipping cost, specific offers, and so on. This is what the variation looked like:
  • The test: The aim of the test was to increase visits to their checkout page and increase revenue. WIth US visitors as the audience, the campaign was run for close to a month before the variation outperformed the original. The same test was run on other domains like UK, AU, CA, and DE, and similar results were achieved.

Result: The test increased PearlsOnly’s revenue by 10%. After optimizing the checkout page, the team next tested the homepage which again resulted in an increase in revenue for PearlsOnly.


Not only did VWO provide the tools that helped PearlsOnly optimize its pages leading to an increase in revenue, but the VWO Services team helped solve Paul’s optimization problem rooting from lack of resources and expertise. Their friendly business terms, insightful ideas and will to deliver results in short time periods made Paul see value in VWO.

You too can iteratively optimize your website and significantly drive business growth with VWO. Take a free trial today!

“Working with VWO services has been great. They came with great ideas right at the proposal stage, making it easy to see the value they would bring to the table.”

Paul Lepa

Paul Lepa

Founder and CEO
181 Pearlsonly
181 Pearlsonly


Texas (US)




10% increase in Revenue

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