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Optimization in Product

From OKRs to Strategic Experimentation

Duration: 45 minutes


Bjarn Brunenberg

Bjarn Brunenberg

Experimentation Lead


Bjarn is the Experimentation Lead at TomTom, a Keynote Speaker, and a two-time winner of the Experimentation Culture Awards. He created the Strategic Experimentation Framework, which helps organisations link experimentation to their OKRs and big-picture goals.

About The Session

Too many businesses fail to connect their strategy with their testing programs, leading to a lack of meaningful growth. But why?

The root problem is the ‘strategic gap’—the disconnect between management’s targets and the teams solving core problems.

In the world of testing, two types of companies emerge:

Company A: They chase quick wins, treating testing as tactical gambles. This leads to siloed teams, sloppy decision-making, and no growth.

Company B: They use experimentation as an operational model. They learn fast, make informed decisions, and solve strategic problems as a team.

Non-strategic testing isn’t just a missed opportunity; it has a compounding effect that can break your business.

So, how do we bridge the strategic gap and become Company B?

In this session, Bjarn Brunenberg, Experimentation Lead at TomTom Group, will present his powerful framework that transforms ambitious targets into strategic experimentation. This model empowers teams to make high-quality, aligned decisions rapidly.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand why most organizations fail to connect strategy with their testing programs.
  • Learn how to bridge the ‘Strategic Gap’ between OKRs and experimentation to solve core strategic problems.
  • Discover the 3 Forces of Strategic Experimentation: 1) Strategic Alignment, 2) Opportunity Discovery, 3) Solution Discovery.
  • Recognize that the mission is not to oppose management but to help them make better decisions and achieve growth together.