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U-Digital achieved a higher click-through-rate to cart on Mobile

21.46% Click-through rate

About U-Digital

U-Digital is an eminent, all-rounder digital agency headquartered in the Netherlands. It provides state-of-the-art digital services including planning coherent digital strategies, designing pixel-perfect websites and mobile apps, running A/B tests, and crafting innovative solutions that help businesses prosper. Since its inception, the company has helped many brands achieve their online ambitions using sophisticated yet tactical marketing means. 

U-Digital relies on VWO to manage the conversion optimization programs of its clientele. In a conversation with Thomas van Zeelst, Online Marketer at U-Digital, regarding his experience using the VWO Experience Optimization Platform, we requested him to shed some light on his testing experiences. We also asked Thomas to share one of the successful A/B test campaigns they’ve run so far.


U-Digital has a broad client base. One of their clients, a reputable skin care eCommerce store, has a keen inclination towards A/B testing owing to the possible impact it can bring about. 

While analyzing the overall conversions of the client’s website, Thomas and the team noticed that mobile conversion rates were less than that of the desktop and started focusing on improving the mobile conversion rates. 


Not knowing the exact reason for the low performance of mobile pages, Thomas and his team spent a considerable amount of time studying the performance of each of the product pages of the client’s website. They analyzed page values using Google Analytics and used VWO Heatmaps to identify friction areas and underperforming conversion-fetching page elements. You can take a 30 day free trial with VWO to explore heatmaps and other insightful features.


Usually, through these analyses, the team at U-Digital gets insights, which they then use for testing and experimentation. Similarly, in this case, they had some observations and based on which, they ideated on various improvements that could help drive up the mobile conversion rates. The only way to be sure was to test out these ideas. 

Tests run

In its existing form, the Add-to-Cart button was not sticky and would go out of sight when scrolled. The team at U-Digital hypothesized that the click-through rate to the shopping cart would increase on mobile when the button is locked at the bottom of the page.  The team then focused their attention on fixing it.

The Test

With a strong hypothesis, Thomas and the team set up an A/B test on VWO. They ran the test on all the product pages, which matched a certain pattern and excluded some URLs to keep the test precise. All the traffic coming on the targeted pages were included with an equal split between the control and the variation. 

Here’s how the control and the variation looked:


U-Digital Control vs Variation

U-Digital Control vs Variation

The metric tracked through the A/B test was click-through rate to the shopping cart triggered through product pages. The experiment ran for approximately 23 days, and 7,200 visitors became a part of the test. The variation won the test with a 21.46% jump in overall mobile conversions

I love A/B testing using VWO. It makes it possible to make a big difference in revenue and conversion rate.

Thomas van Zeeist

Thomas van Zeeist

Online Marketer
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Based on the results, the variation has been implemented. The team has now begun testing shrink product images. They’re also looking forward to using these learnings to study other important eCommerce pages and improving their overall performance. Make a dent in your business metrics with VWO. Start your free trial today

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Experiment goals

Increase CTR to the shopping cart


21.46% increase in Click-through rate

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