BaseKit Changed Its Page To Increase CTR Using VWO
About BaseKit
BaseKit was founded by Simon Best, Richard Best, and Richard Healy. It’s a platform for building websites, which is accompanied by several widgets that perform functions such as text insertion, videos, RSS feeds, and integration with various social networks. BaseKit aims to allow inexperienced users to create a website, without the need for technical knowledge in programming languages.
BaseKit wanted to increase the number of people who visit the Buy Now page after visiting their Plans and Pricing page, so this was the conversion goal measured in the test.
Tests run
The BaseKit team wanted to increase the number of visits to the pricing page.
(For their follow-up tests, we recommended Basekit to use VWO’s revenue tracking feature to make sure that not only conversions but also total sales is measured for different variations. This would have also given a better idea of the performance of variation).
The traffic that arrived on the pricing page (which was tested) was primarily paid, so it was already focused and targeted.
Here is how the pricing page originally looked like:
Original Pricing Page
Redesigned Pricing Page
In their own words, the variation had “Bolder, brighter, clearer pricing, nicer design, testimonial, more obvious currency selection.”
Here’s how the variation looked like:
Redesigned Pricing Page (25% Increase in Conversions)
The new design reached a 95% statistical significance within 24 hours. It was a consistent 25% improvement for the entire duration of the test. They weren’t surprised but were reassured to see that our improvements had the desired effect.
As a follow-up test, they are creating yet another redesign of this new pricing page and by the time you read this, must have already A/B tested this, and many such new ideas. (Continuous A/B testing is key to increasing conversions. Sometimes you get results, sometimes you don’t; but if you do lots of A/B tests, you are bound to see some improvements.)
This excellent A/B test shows that not just actual pricing details but also the design of the pricing page are important. So, when are you going to test your pricing page? (By the way, we are planning to test our pricing page too. Let us know in the comments if you have any ideas for improvement.)
Hugely valuable. I’ve been a fan of VWO for a long time and it was great to take it to a new brand and show how powerful, yet easy to use it is.
Chris Gilfoy
Head of Search
London, England (UK)
25% increase in Click-through rate