AB Testing Build and compare variations of your website to analytically determine the better performing version. |
Split URL Testing Compare various versions of your website hosted on multiple URLs by distributing website traffic among them to determine the highest-performing variation. |
Multivariate (MVT) Testing Simultaneously modify multiple variables to test a hypothesis and determine the best-performing combination of variations. |
No. of Concurrent Campaigns Total number of tests you can run on your account concurrently. |
Unlimited | Up to 5 | Unlimited |
No. of Variations Total number of variations you can create for a test. |
Unlimited | Information NA | Unlimited |
Visual Editor Utilize the powerful WYSIWYG point-and-click visual editor to create and edit variations with ease, eliminating the dependency on IT. |
Code Editor Make advanced modifications to any aspect of your website using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and jQuery. |
AI-Based Text Recommendations Generate alternate text recommendations for the existing copy on your website. |
Add/ Edit Elements Add new or edit UI elements to your webpage. |
Using code editor & extensions | ||
Preview Variation(s) Conduct a quality review of the variations by previewing them to verify that all modifications have been applied to the website before going live. |
Multi-Page Campaigns Easily apply the same experience to multiple pages with a single click, eliminating the need for manual duplication of changes across pages. |
Selective-Page Campaigns Apply changes only on the page you edited, even if the campaign includes multiple pages. |
Information NA | ||
Multi-Device Campaigns Tailor modifications to specific devices or apply them consistently across all devices. |
Information NA | ||
Add Campaign JS Run a custom code for the entire campaign regardless of which variation the users sees. |
Information NA | ||
Personalized Text Personalize the text on your webpage with customer-specific behavioral or demographic data. |
Information NA | ||
Elements Library Library of customizable pre-designed UI elements like list item, content block, buttons, etc. |
Save Modifications to Library Save and reuse modifications made to web elements to easily apply the same changes to similar elements without having to recreate them. |
Save Elements to Library Use the click-and-save feature to store UI elements, such as text blocks, buttons, banners, and pop-ups, in the library for future reuse. |
Widgets Library Create customizable banners, pop-ups, and other web page elements with images and forms, directly within the VWO Visual Editor, without coding. |
Widget Triggers Control when a widget appears, how often it appears, or does not appear when dismissed. |
Goals/ Metrics Configure and track goals in your VWO account. |
Y - Unlimited | Up to 3 preconfigured | |
Traffic Allocation Allocate the traffic on which you want to run the campaign and distribute the allocated traffic among the various variations created for the test. |
Campaign Alerts Set email alerts for account administrators to receive notifications for your VWO campaign related activities. |
Information NA | ||
Multi-Browser QA Preview your tests across multiple browsers and validate them before launching the test. |
Cross Domain Testing Run tests on multiple domains within user journey, where user tracking and goals can be on one or more domains. |
Campaign Scheduling Schedule tests at specific time/date or create recurring schedule to run tests. |
Multi Arm Bandit Expose the better performing variation to more users long before the test reaches statistical significance thus reducing the opportunity cost. |
Mutually Exclusive Groups Ensure that a user doesn't participate in two or more running tests to eliminate result noise, bias, and test inter-play. |
Upto 10 user groups* | ||
Self Hosting Host VWO library and campaign setting files on your servers, easing your dependency on VWO servers. |
Campaign Version History View the changes that you’ve made to your campaign over its lifetime. |
Information NA | Information NA | |
URL Targeting Target users based on the URLs they arrive from/land on |
Basic Device Targeting Target users based on the device they use. Basic options like mobile, desktop, tablet available. |
Traffic Source Targeting Target users based on the traffic source (e.g., direct, non-paid, email) that directed them to the test page. |
User Type Targeting Target returning users, accessing your website from the same browser subsequently, and new users, accessing your website for the first time. |
Information NA | ||
Basic Operating System Targeting Target users based on their desktop OS. Basic options like macOS, Windows and Linux available. |
Advanced Device Targeting Target users based on the device they use. Advanced options like mobile, desktop, tablet, ipad, ipod, iphone, android, google tv etc. available. |
Advanced Operating System Targeting Target users based on their desktop OS. Advanced options like macOS, Windows, Linux, Unix, Windows 8 etc. available. |
Browser Targeting Target users based on their browser. |
Screen Resolution Targeting Target users based on their screen resolution. |
User Agent Values Targeting Target users based on user-agent values. |
Geo Targeting Target users from specific geographies or personalize website content for users from specific locations. |
Cookie Based Targeting Target users based on cookie values. It can be customized based on varying business needs. |
Javascript Variable Targeting Target user groups based on custom events that occur on your website using Javascript variables. |
User Intent Targeting Target users based on their intent of visiting your website using referral URLs. |
Query Parameter Targeting Target users based on their query parameters. |
UTM Parameter Targeting Target users based on UTM parameters such as UTM source, medium, campaign etc. |
Time Based Targeting Target users on your test page based on their arrival time and day of the week. |
Information NA | ||
Saved User Segments Access previously created user segments for efficient reuse in tests without the need for repeated creation. |
Information NA | ||
Conditional Targeting Create advanced user segments by combining multiple targeting conditions using AND and OR. |
Advanced Targeting Logic Use brackets to create logic of targeting with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New Users OR iOS Device] |
Behavioral Targeting Target based on events, user behavior, and actions taken by the user on your website. |
IP Based Targeting Target users based on IP address. |
Custom Event Targeting Target user groups based on custom events that occur on the website. |
Attribute List Targeting Precisely target audience by matching a list of values with cookies, JavaScript variables, or any other identifier. |
Basic Page Viewed Trigger Trigger a campaign when a visitor has viewed at least 1 page in a session. |
Basic Time Spent Trigger Trigger a campaign after a visitor has spent more than10 seconds on the page or 60 seconds in a session. |
Basic Page Scroll Trigger Trigger a campaign after a visitor has scrolled more than 50% of the page. |
Basic Exit Intent Trigger Trigger a campaign when a visitor is trying to close the page. |
Advance Page Viewed Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor has viewed a certain number of pages. |
Advance Time Spent Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on a page. |
Advance Page Scroll Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor has scrolled a certain percentage of the page. |
Advance Exit Intent Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor is trying to close the page. |
Conditional Triggers Create advanced triggers by combining multiple trigger conditions using AND and OR. |
Saved Triggers Access previously created triggers for efficient reuse in campaigns without the need for repeated creation. |
Click Element Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor has clicked on an element. |
Form Submission Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor has submitted a form. |
Engagement Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after there is engagement on the page. |
New Session Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a new session is created. |
Javascript Trigger Write custom triggers using JavaScript to fire a campaign based on an event or a specific user action. |
A/B Test Variation Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a visitor sees a specific A/B test variation. |
Goal Based Trigger Trigger a campaign immediately or after a particular goal you have configured in VWO is completed. |
Event-Based Triggers Trigger a campaign based on Data360 Events. |
Advanced Trigger Logic Use brackets to create logic of triggers with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New Users OR iOS Device] |
Campaign Activation Trigger Control activation of campaigns using manual triggers by custom conditions in your website code. |
Reporting Dashboard See the results of your experiments on our Bayesian-powered reporting dashboard. |
Goal Comparison Compare multiple goals within the same report. |
Y - using GA | Information NA | |
Download Summary CSV Download the summary report to see the high level information about your test data. |
Share Report Share report with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Traffic Source Filters Filter reports based on where your users came from (e.g. direct, paid, non-paid, email). |
Y - using GA | ||
Device Filters Filter reports based on the device your users use. |
Y - using GA | ||
Operating System Filters Filter reports based on the operating system your users use. |
Y - using GA | Information NA | |
User Type Filters Filter reports based on new or returning users differently to study their behavior separately and personalize their experiences. |
Y - using GA | ||
UTM Parameter Filters Filter reports based on UTM parameters such as UTM source, medium, campaign etc. |
Y - using GA | ||
Query Parameter Filter Filter reports based on query parameters |
Y - using GA | ||
Geo Filters Filter reports for specific geographies. |
Y - using GA | ||
Time Based Filters Filter reports based on user arrival time or day of the week. |
Y - using GA | ||
Saved Report Filters Save your report filter as a segment and you can reuse this to slice reports faster in future . |
Information NA | ||
Compare User Segments Simultaneously visualize and compare two or more user segments in reports for far more comprehensive insights and decision-making. |
Conditional Filters Filter reports deeply by combining multiple segmentation conditions using AND and OR. |
Advanced Reporting Logic Use brackets to create logic of filtering reports with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New users OR iOS Device] |
Custom Dimension Make use of visitors' unique attributes to analyze test performance |
50 | ||
Download Detailed CSV Download detailed user reports in .csv format with complete segment data, goal completion and custom dimensions. |
Account Members Add multiple people to the same account but with varying levels of access. |
Information NA | ||
Sub Accounts Create sub-accounts for different teams or digital assets. Very handy for large enterprises, and especially agencies! |
Information NA | ||
Internal IP Exclusion Users who access your website from these IP addresses will not be tracked in VWO. |
Y - but works differently | ||
Pages Classify your web pages into different categories to quickly create, manage and scale experiments specific to them. |
Integrations Seamlessly integrate with third-party tools. |
Y - Integrations include Universal Analytics, GA4, and Google Ads, AdWords. | ||
API Access (rate limit of 60K/month) Start and pause campaigns programmatically or pull test metrics into other dashboards. |
Data Storage All VWO data is stored in one of the two data centers, as configured for the accounts |
USA, EU, India | Information NA | Information NA |
2-Factor Authentication (2FA) 2FA provides an extra layer that protects your data from cybercrime & fraud. VWO offers both account and individual level 2FA. |
Activity Monitoring Review the usage history, including all activities performed by different account members within the account. |
Information NA | ||
GDPR HIPAA, CCPA, ISO 27001:2013, ISO 27701:2019, PCI DSS Compliant VWO regularly undergoes independent verification of its security, privacy, and compliance controls to meet the customers' needs. |
Yes for all, but Not HIPAA Compliant | ||
Account Alerts Set email alerts for account administrators to receive notifications for your VWO account related activities. |
Information NA | ||
Login Restriction Restrict login into your VWO app to specific city/ region/ country/ IP address. |
Information NA | ||
Single Sign On Enable single sign-on using any SAML 2.0 identity provider to authenticate members from your organization. |
Self Paced Training Videos Watch our recorded training videos for every feature as per your schedule. |
Dedicated Account Manager A dedicated manager assigned to your account helps you every step of the way toward success. |
1-on-1 Onboarding & Training Avail our end-to-end training programs to leverage your website for better conversions using industry best practices. |
Paid | ||
No. of Active Goals The number of goals that you can configure and track in your VWO account. |
75 | ||
Track Standard Events Track page visits, clicks, form submits & purchases on your website. |
Goal Reporting Check goal performance over a period of time with goal metrics like total conversions, conversion rate, etc. |
Share Report Share the goal conversion report with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Track Custom Events Set up custom triggers on your website to track your events in VWO. For ex - video played, session time > 30 secs, etc. |
Funnel Drop-off Filters Filter reports based on users who dropped off from a funnel. |
A/B Test Variation Filters Filter reports based on users who were part of a test campaign or saw a particular test variation. |
Goal Reporting Filters Filter your reports based on a weekday, time of day, goal URL, goal revenue, etc. |
Conversion Heatmaps & Recordings Check heatmaps and recordings of users who converted or didn't convert for the goal. |
No. of Active Funnels The number of funnels that are active and tracking data within your account. |
20 | ||
Funnel Reporting Check funnel performance over a period of time to see how users move through the stages of funnels and when they drop-off. |
Share Report Share the funnel conversion report with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Funnel Drop-off Filters Filter reports based on users who dropped off from a funnel. |
A/B Test Variation Filters Filter reports based on users who were part of a test campaign or saw a particular test variation. |
Funnel Reporting Filters Filter funnel reports to view data for specific days of the week, hours of the day, funnel revenue value etc. |
Drop Off Heatmaps & Recordings Check heatmaps and recordings of users who drop off from the funnel at any stage. |
No. of Heatmaps Visualize users clicks with a colored overlay on top of your website page to identify hotspots of engagement. |
Unlimited | ||
Clickmap Track clicks on specific elements and compare them to total clicks on a page or area. |
Observations with Heatmap Screenshot Note observations with automaticaly attached heatmap screenshots to enable easy collaboration. |
Multi-Device Heatmaps View heatmaps for desktop, tablet, or mobile websites. |
A/B Test Variation Heatmap View heatmap of a particular A/B test variation. |
Share Share heatmaps with observations to collaborate with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Download Download heatmaps for offline sharing and viewing. |
Heatmap Views Create a heatmap view and quickly access heatmap data for specific pages and user segments without repeating the heatmap configuration. |
Schedule Heatmap Views Schedule data collection for heatmap views. |
Scrollmap Visualize how deep a user scrolls through your page to understand scroll depths. |
Tracking dynamic elements in live heatmaps View heatmaps of different pages, interactive elements(such as popups, modals, and menus), and pages behind logins as you navigate your website. |
Funnel Drop-off Filters Filter heatmaps based on users who dropped off from a funnel. |
Click Area Just click, drag and select multiple areas on the page to directly compare their engagement. |
Element List Displays a list of both visible and hidden elements with their types and show clicks on each from highest to lowest. |
No. of Recordings Number of recordings you can have for your monthly tracked users (MTU). |
Unlimited above 10k MTU | ||
Page / Session / User Recordings Watch recordings of a page, a session or all sessions of a user consisting of multiple pages. |
Multi-Device Recordings View recordings of all user sessions on desktop, tablet, or mobile. |
Observations with Recording Moment Link Note observations with automatically tagged moment in recordings to enable easy collaboration. |
Anonymize or Whitelist Elements Customize what is shown or hidden in recordings, and anonymize key presses by default. |
Saved Recordings The number of recordings you can store in VWO for later viewing. |
1000 | ||
Asset Snapshoting Save snapshot of externally loaded style files to prevent breaking of session recordings due to changes in the external files. |
Share Share recordings with observations to collaborate with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Download Download recordings for offline sharing and viewing. |
Recording Views Create a recording view and quickly access recordings for specific pages and user segments without repeating the recording configuration. |
Schedule Recording Views Schedule data collection for recording views. |
Funnel Drop-off Filters Filter recordings based on users who dropped off from a funnel. |
Session Filters Filter recordings based on parameters like session duration, # of pages visited, etc. |
Page Filters Filter recordings based on parameters like entry page, exit page, visited page, etc. |
Struggle Filters Filter your recordings based on rage clicks, dead clicks, goal conversions, funnel drop-offs, or other events tracked by VWO. |
No. of Active Forms No. of active forms you can simultaneously track at a given time. |
50* | ||
Conversion Report Track user drop-offs at different stages of form submission, from landing to interaction to submission. |
Dropped Field Report Percentage of users who dropped off on a field without submitting the form. |
Share Report Share form analysis report with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
Total Time Report Understand how long users stay on each field of a form. |
Interaction Time Report Understand how long users spend on a specific field while actively interacting with it. |
Hesitation Time Report Understand how long users spend on a specific field without actively interacting with it. |
Refilled Field Report Percentage of users who refilled a field on the form. |
Ignored Field Report Percentage of users who did not interact with a form field and submitted the form. |
Schedule Form Tracking Track form during a specific period. |
No. of Active Surveys No. of active surveys within your account. |
15 | ||
No. of Survey Responses No. of survey responses that you can collect for your survey campaigns. With paid plans, No. of Survey Responses = (No. of Contract Months * MTU). |
As per MTU | ||
No. of Questions per Survey The number of questions you can ask per survey. |
Unlimited | ||
Response Types Design survey with various response types including text, radio, checkboxes, etc. |
Survey Report Check how many users saw, attempted and completed the survey. Get a list of responses by questions and most frequently used words by users. |
Question Bank Choose from a repository of frequently asked questions to select an appropriate question. |
Support for Multiple Languages Ask questions to your users in their native language. |
Survey Positioning Trigger your survey either to the left bottom or right bottom of your page. |
Survey Themes Save time by styling your survey using any of the pre-built themes. |
Share Report Share survey report with other VWO account users or even with people without VWO access. |
**NPS® Run an NPS survey to gauge the likelihood of users recommending the website to others. |
Customize Welcome/ Thank you Add custom messages for users taking the survey before and after completing it. |
Custom Survey Themes Add custom CSS to restyle and resize the surveys per your branding guidelines. |
Download CSV Download and share detailed reports with your stakeholders in .csv format. |
Survey Views Per User Adjust the number of times a user should see the survey before it stops showing. |
Schedule Surveys Schedule surveys to show up during a period. |
Remove branding Replace the VWO logo with your own logo. |
Survey Analysis with Recordings Watch recordings of user sessions in which they responded to a survey to understand why they gave specific responses. |
Survey Logic Make your surveys smarter by asking subsequent questions based on the responses given. |
Basic Page Viewed Trigger Trigger a survey when a visitor has viewed at least 1 page in a session. |
Basic Time spent Trigger Trigger a survey after a visitor has spent more than 10 seconds on the page or 60 seconds in a session. |
Basic Page Scroll Trigger Trigger a survey after a visitor has scrolled more than 50% of the page. |
Basic Exit Intent Trigger Trigger a survey when a visitor is trying to close the page. |
Advance Page Viewed Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor has viewed a certain number of pages. |
Advance Time spent Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on a page. |
Click Element Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor has clicked on an element. |
Advanced Trigger Logic Use brackets to create logic of triggers with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New Users OR iOS Device] |
Conditional Triggers Create advanced triggers by combining multiple trigger conditions using AND and OR. |
Saved Triggers Access previously created triggers for efficient reuse in campaigns without the need for repeated creation. |
Advance Page Scroll Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor has scrolled a certain percentage of the page. |
Advance Exit Intent Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor is trying to close the page. |
A/B Test Variation Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor sees a specific A/B test variation. |
Goal Based Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a particular goal you have configured in VWO is completed. |
Form Submission Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a visitor has submitted a form. |
Engagement Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after there is engagement on the page. |
New Session Trigger Trigger a survey immediately or after a new session is created. |
Javascript Trigger Write custom triggers using JavaScript to fire a survey based on an event or a specific user action. |
Event-Based Triggers Trigger a survey based on Data360 Events. |
Segment by URL Segment users based on the URLs they arrive from/land on. |
Segment by Device Segment users based on devices they use such as mobile, desktops or tablets. |
Segment by Traffic Source Segment users based on the traffic source (e.g. direct, paid, non-paid, email) . |
Segment by User Type Segment new or returning users differently to study their behavior and personalize their experiences. |
Segment by Operating System Segment users who are using a particular operating system such as Windows, Linux, etc. |
Segment by Browser Segment users based on their browser. |
Segment by Screen Resolution Segment users based on their screen resolution. |
Segment by User Agent Values Segment users based on user-agent values. |
Segment by Geography Segment users from specific geographies. |
Cookie Based Segmentation Segment users based on cookie values. It can be customized based on varying business needs. |
Javascript Variable Segmentation Segment user groups based on custom events that occur on your website using Javascript variables. |
Query Parameter Segmentation Segment users based on using query parameters. |
UTM Parameter Segmentation Segment users based on using UTM parameters such as UTM source, medium, campaign etc. |
Time Based Segmentation Segment users based on their arrival time and day of the week. |
Saved User Segments Access previously created user segments for efficient reuse in tests without the need for repeated creation. |
Conditional Targeting Create advanced user segments by combining multiple targeting conditions using AND and OR. |
Advanced Targeting Logic Use brackets to create logic of targeting with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New Users OR iOS Device] |
Behavioral Segmentation Segment based on events, user behavior, and actions taken by the user on your website. |
IP Based Segmentation Segment users based on IP address(s). |
Custom Event Segmentation Segment user groups based on custom events that occur on the website. |
Attribute List Segmentation Precisely segment audience by matching a list of values with cookies, JavaScript variables, or any other identifier. |
Device Filters Filter reports based on what device your users use. |
Traffic Source Filters Filter reports based on where your users came from (e.g. direct, paid, non-paid, email). |
Operating System Filters Filter reports based on what operating system your users use. |
User Type Filters Filter reports based on new or returning users differently to study their behavior separately and personalize their experiences. |
UTM Parameter Filters Filter reports based on using UTM parameters such as UTM source, medium, campaign, etc. |
Query Parameter Filter Filter reports based on using query parameters. |
Geo Filters Filter reports for specific geographies or personalize website content for users from specific locations. |
Time-based Filters Filter reports based on user arrival time or day of the week. |
Saved Report Filters Save your report filter as a segment and you can reuse this to slice reports faster in future . |
Conditional Filters Filter reports deeply by combining multiple segmentation conditions using AND and OR. |
Advanced Reporting Logic Use brackets to create logic of filtering reports with multiple conditions. For example - [Users in USA OR Users in India] AND [New users OR iOS Device] |
Custom Dimension Make use of visitors' unique attributes to analyze test performance. |
50 | ||
Plugin Make quick observations and audit webpages while on them, all with a handy browser plug-in. |
Observations with Automatic Snapshot Automatically capture snapshots of the reports as you log observations. |
Hypotheses Prioritization + Custom Workflows Prioritize ideas based on importance, complexity and ease of implementation and customize your workflow to visualize progress. |
Idea Gallery Take inspiration from hundreds of ideas, case studies, and other resources to develop your own strategy. |