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VWO CallRail Integration

Push call and text activity as conversion event in VWO to understand which page variation is driving the most conversion.

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Integrations > CallRail

About CallRail

CallRail is an advanced call tracking and analytics platform that connects your digital marketing efforts to phone conversions. It helps you understand which campaigns, keywords, and channels drive valuable phone calls, while providing detailed caller insights, conversation intelligence, and lead attribution data to optimize your marketing ROI.


While tracking online interactions like clicks, add-to-cart events, and purchases is straightforward through website analytics, attributing offline interactions like phone calls to specific website experiences has always been challenging. It has been difficult to connect which webpage the user explored before making the call.

However, this connection is crucial, especially for high-value products where customers often combine online research with offline conversations before making a purchase. So if you are running an A/B test, one must account for both online and offline conversion events to accurately measure the impact of website changes.

VWO<>CallRail integration makes this possible. The integration enables you to automatically push call and text activities from CallRail as conversion events into VWO. These conversion events can then be utilized as metrics in your A/B tests, allowing you to accurately measure which website variation drives not just online conversions, but also phone and text interactions.

Use cases

1. Measure which page variation drives more call inquiries

Attribute sales calls to the right VWO variation when running an A/B test. For example, if you’re testing two different product page layouts – one highlighting technical specifications and another emphasizing customer testimonials – you can track which version generates more phone inquiries from potential customers.

2. Customize your phone call based on the test variation that the customer has seen

When receiving calls, sales representatives can view which version of the website the caller saw in Callrail Lead Center. For example, if you’re testing two pricing page layouts – one highlighting monthly plans and another featuring annual discounts – the sales team can tailor their conversation accordingly.

Shared data

Push Based
VWO Campaign
Lead Center
Event Stream
Custom events
Call activity

Features by plan

Feature Starter Growth Pro Enterprise
Event Stream

Works with

VWO Personalize,VWO Testing

VWO plan

Partner Plan

Call Tracking


Call tracking

Developed by

Icon Quote

Heatmaps, clickmaps, user recordings, and surveys paint a full picture of how customers interact with different parts of our website. These insights have been instrumental in helping us understand our customers' needs and eliminate the guesswork in our marketing efforts. VWO has helped us become more data-driven in our approach and we've successfully added features to facilitate customer needs and provide them a seamless website experience.

Jon Corwin Photo
Jon Corwin

Director of Growth Marketing

Noble Studios

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