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Make Winning Variation Live for Your Visitors Without IT Help

Anshul Gurbaxani Anshul Gurbaxani Less Than a Min Read

You can now use Web Rollouts, a VWO product that enables you to easily edit and release changes for your visitors, to make winning variations of your test live in just a few clicks.

This new capability allows you to select any variation of your A/B test, such as the winning variation, and make it live for your visitors as a new Deploy campaign. You can also copy any configurations to the new campaign, such as target segments or schedules it followed, without leaving your A/B test report. Hence, you don’t have to wait for your IT team to make the desired variation live for your visitors.

You can not only Deploy the winning variation, but you can also Deploy any other variation (except the original version, of course).

Deploy Variation

If you wish to customize your Deploy campaign before making it live, select the linked campaign in your test report and make the desired changes.

To know more about this feature, refer to this knowledge base article.

VWO Testing, VWO Web Rollouts
Growth, Pro, Enterprise, All
Client Side Testing
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