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Understand app crashes faster with VWO & Firebase Crashlytics integration

Piyush Sharma Piyush Sharma 2 Min Read

Resolving app crash issues quickly is crucial for maintaining user satisfaction, app performance, and good app ratings. To enable this, we are excited to announce the latest native integration of VWO Insights – Mobile App with Firebase Crashlytics.

This integration is for developers, QAs, or product managers seeking more profound insights into app crashes right inside the Firebase Crashlytics dashboard.

Firebase Crashlytics excels in tracking, prioritizing, and fixing stability issues that impact app quality. By integrating with VWO Insights, Firebase users will now see URLs of session recordings directly in their Firebase crash logs. This seamless integration means that once VWO and Firebase Crashlytics are integrated, developers can access valuable session recording videos with a simple click, providing a holistic visual context to the complex error logs.

VWO and Firebase Crashlytics Integration
Benefits of VWO and Firebase Crashlytics Integration

Previously, you could only filter and share crash-related recordings using the VWO dashboard. With the new integration, you can now directly view the session recording of any specific app crash inside Firebase Crashlytics. This streamlines the process, making troubleshooting quicker and more efficient.

In the video below, we address a critical issue reported by an iOS user requiring immediate attention. To investigate this, review the crash log in Crashlytics for initial clues. Then, effortlessly transition to VWO’s session replay to observe the crash firsthand. In this instance, the app crashed moments after the user clicked on their profile, even though the UI appeared to load correctly. This precise insight gives developers a focused starting point for their investigation, streamlining the troubleshooting process.

Using VWO & Firebase Crashlytics Integration

To understand how to set up the Firebase Crashlytics integration with VWO for your mobile app, please follow the steps in this guide.


Integrating VWO Insights – Mobile App with Firebase Crashlytics enables product teams to understand the nuances of app crashes, which paves the way for faster resolution, enhanced user satisfaction, and overall superior app performance. 

We invite you to integrate your VWO and Firebase accounts today and experience this powerful synergy. The feature is live for VWO Insights – Mobile App users and is available with free trial and enterprise plans. Request support@vwo.com or connect with your success manager to enable it for your account.

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