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Cut Through the Noise to Drive More Conversions

Duration - 40 minutes
Steven Waller

Steven Waller

Marketing Director, Develo

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Ever heard of the HiPPO? It’s the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion. Sometimes, these ideas can throw a curveball at your CRO program.

Join Steve from Develo as he shares insights on kickstarting your testing program, prioritizing tests for maximum impact, and crucially, getting stakeholders on board. He’ll delve into running conversion rate optimization for a major fashion retailer, detailing Develo’s victories and failures, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Key Takeaways

  • How to navigate highly opinionated stakeholders
  • What makes a good test versus a bad test?
  • Tools for prioritising your tests to deliver maximum commercial impact
  • How to keep momentum in your CRO program

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