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Using customer data as a fuel for personalization

Duration - 60 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Data is integral to marketing and sales strategy. It's important to regularly update and enrich your data, and connect new sources when available.
  • Choosing the right platform for email personalization based on website actions is crucial. Consider your specific needs and future state of marketing automation and personalization before deciding on a platform.
  • Consent is a primary data point in the golden profile due to GDPR and APG regulations in Europe. Ensure you have consent before communicating with a person and using their data for personalization.
  • Small businesses can consider more affordable platforms like Malyon and SendGrid for email personalization.
  • When dealing with privacy regulations, it's important to clearly state your terms and conditions, what data you are collecting, and how you are using it for personalization.

Summary of the session

The webinar, hosted by Ajit from VWO, features Daniel Nokes, the Commercial Director at Ematters. The discussion revolves around personalization in marketing, data management, and the importance of GDPR compliance. Daniel provides insights and practical examples from Domino’s, Aldi, and Opel. He emphasizes the necessity of personalization in today’s marketing landscape and the importance of aligning marketing activities with customer expectations. He also shares the significant impact personalization can have on engagement and conversion KPIs. 

The webinar includes a Q&A session, where attendees ask about email personalization tools, GDPR compliance, and expanding first-party databases. Daniel recommends several platforms for email personalization, including Salesforce, Celigent, Adobe, and SendGrid, but advises attendees to choose a platform that suits their specific needs. He also stresses the importance of obtaining consent before storing personal data and complying with GDPR guidelines. 

The webinar concludes with Ajit thanking everyone for their participation and promising to send the materials to all registrants. Daniel offers his assistance to anyone wanting to strategize their first-party data and invites attendees to contact him for further information.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • In light of the fact that Google is getting rid of 3rd party cookies, do you have an example of how companies are changing their marketing strategy?

    - by Charles
    Unfortunately, not yet. I was at Google a couple of months ago And even they said during, the workshop that companies need to focus on a first-party data strategy because they will not be able to use ...third-party data anymore. The thing is that data isn't, a particular subject that is discussed on C-level within organizations. And I see that companies who have, people at C-level who are interested and understand, yeah, the goal of data, they are successful. And what you see is that they have a first-party data strategy where they say, well, we have a plan. We want to have a lot of data. We want to gain focus and we want to update it frequently We want to connect new sources when we have new sources. It's a really structured way of looking at data, and that's an integral part of the marketing and sales strategy. It happens, but, unfortunately, not enough, if you ask me.
  • What platforms allow basic email personalization based on website actions? Can you recommend something for a start?

    - by White Cheslov
    Yeah. It was one of the slides where I referred to the marketing technology stack, which is quite, a complex subject. We see different levels of marketing automation platforms where you are able to pe ...rsonalize. Of course, you have bigger, larger platforms like Salesforce, Celigent, and Adobe, which offer a lot of options and modules. But there are platforms like ESPs - email service providers, who have that kind of feature in themselves and combine it with data too. We look at the kind of, you know, customer data platforms that offer email, automation, and loyalty in it too. You have platforms like Foyado, and Emarces in the Netherlands, and you have a mailing as a true ESP, but the thing you are hearing from me already is that you really need to find out what kind of platform suits your particular needs, and then you can make a decision on that level. I've seen too often, unfortunately, that an organization just took upon a platform based on a few nice demos. And then afterward, it didn't fit their own ambition in that field. And that's a check you need to do beforehand. So give that platform when they give a demo give them a few use cases that apply to your future state of Marketing Automation And Personalization would be my advice.
  • How do you deal with privacy regulations in terms of storing personal data of business? Do you ask for consent before?

    - by Virish
    Yeah. That's, of course, due to the GDPR and the APG in, Europe, You need to have the consent. that's why the opt-in consent is one of the primary data points in the golden profile. Otherwise, you are ... not able to communicate with the person. Looking at consent, of course, you need to write down your terms and conditions and what you are possibly collecting and using, for the purpose of personalization. But the timestamp, what kind of data you are able to use, that's something you need to take into account. Of course, otherwise, you will have a problem.
  • How do you navigate to have consent and expand your first-party database with GDPR guidelines? A lot of questions from the point of view of GDPR.

    - by Aaron
    Yeah. No. I can imagine, you know, that's the funny thing about first-party data. There needs to be consent and consent needs to be clear. And when you have a strategy, a first party, the data strateg ...y, and the data enrichment strategy, you can't just buy a database somewhere and add particular data you've seen somewhere on the platform to the personal data. You need to be clear to your customer or potential customer what kind of data you are retrieving and what the purpose is of the data. And that's the whole idea of the golden profile is that you don't collect data that perhaps you will want to use somewhere down the road but you really collect data, that is relevant for your organization. Therefore, for the customer or potential customer because then you are able to personalize. So you have to focus on the data and it's easier to explain why you are retrieving and using certain data. So it's like, a safe way of using data and communicating about this to your customers. And the funny thing is I think and see the projects we do with data enrichment. So the email example, for example, where we just ask someone what's your preference. A lot of people, engage in these kind of questions, and that makes it easier for us to explain why we ask that question and use it in the follow-up communication because when you ask a consumer, do you want personalized relevant content, 9 out of 10, say yes, and that's the basis of the GDPR, I think.
  • Have you mostly worked with one trust, Daniel?

    - by Aaron
    Yeah. But that's not the kind of data. You know, that's a separate platform, etc., separate data source. So that's something you can't just automatically use in setting up a golden profile. I think be ...cause then you are yeah, crossing the line of, GDPR regulations.
  • How to test a golden profile? Can it be optimized?

    - by White Hat Lab
    Yeah. It's a continuous process. So it's not something you just write down on a wall, and it's there for 3 years' time. it's something you need to challenge each other with. It's something you need ... to update because, yeah, when I enter the pain at all, that database, the example, today, that in 9 months time, perhaps I, get a kid, a baby, and then, my situation is totally different. So you need to update the data throughout. And the example of Peugeot shows that sometimes there's a question within an organization. We need to run a campaign on hybrid cars. And an easy thing is that we have that first-party data, and we can ask our database to answer a question on that particular subject and re-use it in the next campaign. So I think it's a continuous challenge. The only thing is that within the primary, secondary, and tertiary data, you have basic data you really need as an organization to personalize, but I think 80 to 100% is flexible, for the golden profile.
  • Any publications or books that one should read for becoming abreast with?

    - by Bos
    That's a good question. It's a good question where you don't have a direct answer. I'm not really good with names, to be honest. This is something I need to look up but I have a few in the office. I h ...aven't got one top of mind, like a name, but, as mentioned, can have a look at the cupboards and share something afterward.


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Ajit: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the new edition of the VWO webinar. My name is Ajit, and I’m the marketing manager at VWO. In today’s webinar, we have a commercial director at Ematters, who has been working at the forefront of ...