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The Science of Persuasive Messaging Using AI and A/B Testing

Duration - 40 minutes
Brian Massey

Brian Massey

Conversion Scientist, Conversion Sciences

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Making small changes to your website’s text for A/B tests often disappoints. Moreover, catering to diverse audiences presents its own set of hurdles.

With AI capabilities like GPTs, you can tackle this challenge head-on. However, GPTs come with a blank canvas – it’s up to you to define their style.

In this enlightening session, Brian Massey, Managing Partner at Conversion Sciences, will unveil the secrets to crafting precise, testable, and compelling copy that speaks directly to your site’s diverse prospects. Learn how to put these strategies to the test on your homepage, landing pages, or eCommerce product pages for maximum impact.

Key Takeaways

  • An effective model for segmenting your audience.
  • How to target your ideal customer profiles with copy.
  • How to design an A/B test of your messaging.
  • How to layout a landing page for multiple segments.

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