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PPC Conversions: How to Improve ROI by Focusing on Customer Intent

Duration - 60 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Ensure your landing page builds trust with visitors. This can be achieved by answering key questions, using trust symbols, secure checkout signs, and customer reviews. A phone number in the top upper right corner of your landing page is a significant trust symbol.
  • Minimize distractions on your landing page. If you're trying to get visitors to perform a specific action, remove menu items and deeper links that take visitors to different pages of your website.
  • Always include a privacy policy in the footer of your landing page, especially if you're collecting personal information. While it's unclear if this impacts the quality score of your keywords, it's a legal necessity and can build trust.
  • Regularly review your pricing strategy to ensure you're competitive in the market. If you're not converting despite doing everything right, consider external factors such as market conditions and competition.
  • Be aware of external factors that could impact your business, such as economic conditions or changes in consumer behavior due to events like COVID-19. Adjust your strategies accordingly.

Summary of the session

The webinar provided an in-depth discussion on optimizing marketing strategies, focusing on ad copy, keyword usage, and landing page experience. The speaker, Jeff Loquist, Director of Optimization at SiteTuners, emphasized the importance of matching ad copy with user intent and the landing page. He highlighted the effective use of dynamic keyword insertion and capitalization in ad texts to make them stand out.

He praised Chewy, West Palm, and BarkBox for their ad strategies. He also stressed the importance of utilizing all available ad extensions, including site links, callout extensions, location extensions, and call extensions. The host facilitated a Q&A session, addressing queries on various topics.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • What about remarketing in terms of display ads?

    - by Alex
    Yeah. So I talked a little bit about that. The biggest thing with remarketing is making sure those audience segments are set up correctly. Right? So when I'm talking about the audience, I'm talking ab ...out your remarketing audiences, not specifically, like, you know, women, 35 to 54. I'm talking about, you know, what are those people doing on your website? So a lot of people say, if you visited my website, I'm gonna remarket to you with this blanket ad. That's a really bad idea. If you have low numbers, it might be the only thing you can do, but I would much rather remarket to people that have visited my indestructible dog toy page. And if I have a video, you know, you don't have Google Analytics to set up some, what we call, micro conversions. Right? They watched so much of a video. They scrolled so much to the page. They spent so much time on-site. Right? We can start building those remarketing lists that kind of meet those criteria, and then we can start having our very, very interested. And if we're utilizing Facebook, we need to utilize some Facebook metrics, right, like our page plus, plus visit our website page, of the indestructible dog toys plus maybe watch a video, we can really start building out these remarketing lists that are really targeted and really niche. And if we have the traffic to do that, then we make sure that our ad matches that user intent. Like, we never want to say, "Hey, Jim, saw you on our website. Check this out." But if we know from what they've interacted with our website that they have a poodle, right, it's okay to show an image of a poodle. Or because maybe they visited a bunch of pages about poodle toys for poodles or, you know, something like that. Like, if we have those pages, just be as specific as possible with our remarketing lists, to get the best effect out of it because Google's kind of gone stupid with their remarketing. And I've seen remarketing go from if we're back in the old days, we could just have people visit our website, remarket to them, and we knew it was gonna do well. Now if you just throw a remarketing, a blanket remarket list out there, It's gonna struggle. So you have to get really, really targeted with your audience segmentation.
  • Is dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) ads relevant for what you sell? Because sometimes it does not resonate with the video LP messaging, landing page messaging.

    - by Megan Law
    Yeah, and that's the thing. DKI can be a huge benefit. I've seen it work really well, but it's not for everything. So there are a couple of other strategies I didn't mention, which are probably worth ...considering. DKI works really well, but it's not 100% foolproof. Another approach is asking questions in your ad copy. For example, if you know what people are searching for, you can directly ask them if they're looking for indestructible dog toys. It's worth testing DKI, but always remember to keep testing and be willing to try different approaches if it's not working for you.
  • What if your SQL search query report is relevant, your ad copy and landing page content are also relevant, but you are struggling with conversions?

    - by Maggie Walsh
    Relevance is one thing, but you also need to ensure that you're addressing the three key questions I mentioned earlier. First, make sure visitors know they're in the right place. Second, build trust t ...hrough symbols like secure checkout, customer reviews, etc. And finally, ensure your call to action is clear and prominent. Distractions like multiple CTAs or pop-ups can reduce conversions. So even if everything seems relevant, focus on these aspects to improve conversions.
  • What do you think about enhanced CPC versus smart bidding? Which one is better?

    - by Andrew
    I'm changing my stance on this. I used to dislike any form of automation, but I'm starting to see the benefits, especially with Google's bidding technology. I often use target CPA bidding and sometime ...s start campaigns with maximize clicks. However, I avoid fully automated smart campaigns as they lack the human touch needed for business decisions. So while I like smart bidding, it's important to maintain some level of human control and oversight.
  • What should we focus on, impression share versus cost per click, if nothing is performing in the account, even after bidding on relevant keywords, and even having right ad copies and LPs?

    So, again, if you're not converting, make sure that everything is in line and focus on that landing page. Look, focus on the trust. Focus on all those things that we talked about. That's the big thing .... Yeah. So, I'm assuming you're asking if things are converting, right? Like, so are you trying to get... Or is this if things aren't converting? It depends on your budget, right? Do you have the budget to test impression share? Are you struggling? Are you hitting the budget and not converting cost per click? I'd rather bid for a 2 or 3 position. I used to say even 4 or 5, but that doesn't exist anymore at the bottom of the page. But I would rather be at the 2 or 3 and pay a lower cost per click and get more clicks than really struggle through with that budget. If I have the budget to spend, and I know I have the budget to test impression share, I would look at 2 things. I would look at impressions not only just your impression, I would also look at your top of the page. Right? So, you have your regular impression share, and then you have that top of the page and even that number 1, how often are you getting on there? You can get really granular about that stuff, but, you know, like I said, it depends on your budget and how much money you have to spend.
  • How important is it to have social proof on the landing page and links to different landing pages like privacy policy, contact us, and so on?

    Depends. Social proof always, you know, customer reviews, you know, things like that always, always, always. Those are huge trust factors. So, it's very important to have those there. Your privacy pol ...icy should always be in your footer, especially if you have any kind of lead gen where they're giving you their personal information. Definitely need your privacy policy in the footer. I don't think it needs to be any place else. Contact us is always important. Like I said, that phone number in the top upper right corner of your landing page, that's a huge trust symbol. And the ability to contact you is also huge. But at the same point, there are things on that page that, like, if we're doing a true landing page that I would get rid of, right? Menu items that take you back to different pages, deeper links into the website, if you're in an informational website, those are great. But if you're trying to get people to do one particular action on a landing page, I would... The phone number's great. Need the privacy policy, but those deeper links in the website, if I'm trying to get them to perform one action, we can probably cut a lot of those out.
  • Having privacy policy contact as links on the landing page, does this impact the quality score of your keywords?

    Quality score. Like I said, contact us. And if it's in your footer, it is at the bottom of the page. It's always gonna be there. I don't know for a fact whether that impacts quality score or not. I me, you might suspect, but I've never read anything that said that impacts the quality score one way or another. But, you know, it doesn't hurt to have those things there for sure. And like I said, it could also be a legal issue depending on what you're doing.


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Sanchit from VWO: Hey, everyone. I hope you all are safe and doing well. Thank you for joining another VWO webinar. My name is Sanchit, and I’m a paid marketing manager at VWO, a full-funnel experience optimization platform. Today, we have with us Jeff ...