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The real C in CRO is Communication

Key Takeaways

  • Engage your audience with questions: Start your presentation by asking questions related to your most important findings. This will not only capture their attention but also make the information more memorable.
  • Highlight the most important data: If you want your audience to focus on a specific aspect, such as mobile usage, start by presenting that data. This will set the tone for the rest of the presentation and ensure that the key message is understood.
  • Use visuals when presenting user test findings: Instead of just presenting insights from a user test, use visuals or a highlight video. This can make the information more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Create a highlight video for user tests: When conducting user tests, record the sessions and create a highlight video. This video should include the most important opinions and reactions from the users. This can be a powerful tool to engage your audience and make the findings more impactful.
  • Keep the highlight video short: When creating a highlight video, aim to keep it no longer than 3 minutes. This will ensure that your audience remains engaged and that the key points are not lost in a lengthy video.

Summary of the session

The webinar, led by Henk Bolhuis, Product Specialist CRO at Reprise Digital, emphasized the importance of effective communication in data analytics, particularly when dealing with high-level stakeholders. The speaker stressed the power of positivity, using emojis, and showing appreciation to foster a productive work environment.

He also highlighted the need for clarity in design and data presentation, cautioning against simply copying and pasting complex data sets. Instead, he advocated for making data actionable and starting reports with the most crucial findings. The speaker’s approach combines technical expertise with emotional intelligence to enhance the impact of data analytics.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • How can we ensure the right data communication? Are there any tips that you could share?

    Yes. Definitely. So when showing data, less is more. So there are 2 tips I would love to share. So first of all, Dark Horse Analytics, they make GIFs. I'm not sure how you pronounce them correctly ... on how to make data more clear. Secondly, I think it's an HBR, our business review book. It's called, good graphs. And it's a book that really goes in-depth on how to present data. So a couple of things I just said in the presentation were to make sure data is actionable. If you're just showing them a slide where you're just basically saying, this is not going well. You're not doing the job. You should always add recommendations, but you need to make data actions, what is the recommended action we should take based on this data? And it's also the thing about how we should look at data. We should also always answer questions by answering data, by looking at data. So for instance, if I want to know what is the conversion rate on mobile and how does that differ on other devices? It's a legit question. And we can answer that. But there's also a thing we should do next so that is make sure we add recommendations. We are dependent on actions. So I do hope that answers this question. So first of all, Dark Horse Analytics. Google that stuff.
  • Could you repeat the name of the first resources that you mentioned?

    - by Bethany Guinee
    Sure. Dark Horse Analytics is the first one, and Good Graphs, HBR book, is the second one. Those two resources you should look up or investigate.
  • We submit weekly reports to our supervisors in an email format. How do we know that we are not presenting too much information or too little detail?

    - by Alvar Marquez
    So one of the two tips I could give you is, first of all, sometimes we tend to work so much in our bubble that we tend to forget. What is important? So one of the things could be like asking someone e ...xternally, like, a colleague, like, hey, if you look at this email, ask them two questions. What is this? What data do you see here? And, what's the recommended age you should take on this? So first of all, ask colleagues in terms of, like, what's in this email, long email, its meaning. In my own experience, often when I get long emails, I just scroll down, just look at the important things, and then go away. So what I always would recommend is adding, again, what I just said, a summary of one of the most important findings. So what are the things we should look at? And what is triggering me to scroll down more? A long list and things with emails. We get a ton of emails, especially these days, when looking at COVID. I think things should be concise, and clear. If people want to dive into them even more, they definitely will.
  • Is there any book or podcast or article or any other thing like a video that you would recommend personally or professionally to whatever you're reading now?

    Oh, wow! That's a really good question. At the moment, I'm reading 'Rework' by the founders of Basecamp. I think it's a really good book because it's nice and concise, but the two books mentioned in t ...his presentation are always in my old top 5 grid. So, first of all, Steve Krug's 'Don't Make Me Think'—I don't know, maybe because I still think I read this book, I think, 10 years ago. No, that's a long time ago. At least 6 or 7 years ago, when I started college, I actually read it again. And again. And it's still, like, such a simple book, and it just helps you understand things so clearly. And secondly, if you really want to shift from the way you do things now to a way where you help people, who people want to start working with you, I would still say, currently, 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' by Dale Carnegie. Although it sounds really commercial, it's not. I think it's a really easy and friendly approach on how to get people towards you. Let me think if there's anything else that skips my mind now. I think those 3 would be the most interesting. So 'Rework', Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', and Steve Krug's 'Don't Make Me Think'. Those would definitely be the three I would agree with and would actually be the most helpful for my own personal career.
  • How can you make sure you align communication between marketing and product teams?

    - by Brend
    Yeah, that's also a really good one. So one of the things I tend to experience, and where I know I'm also not that good, is when you have product teams and marketing teams, and there's just one giant ...wall between them. They're not communicating with each other. They're doing their own thing, and marketing says, 'We're doing a huge campaign on this landing page,' and development teams are like, 'Well, we're just gonna work on adding a huge cat gif on the thank you page.' I strongly believe that this is a thing which requires a change in upper management. Actually, from experience, in a previous company, I saw that Marketing was doing its own thing, Development was doing their own thing, and it cost the company a lot of money. What I would recommend, although I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, is first of all, create attention that this is a problem. So, from then on, we have marketing people going left, and on the other end, part of people going right. Secondly, you need to show what the pain is. And I think that's so important. You need to really make it heard, saying, 'Yeah, we're losing tons of money because people are just not aligned with each other.' That will help you get attention from your key stakeholders or at least your upper management. And first, you have to recommend, how can we move together? I would never just throw everyone in one room and say, 'Let's brainstorm something and hope something magical comes out.' It doesn't, though. But I would come up with a plan, like, 'Okay, what would be, from my end, the best way to make this happen, to make sure people start working together?' And then, I think it's important to have one stakeholder for marketing, one for product, whom you can rely on. Okay. Are you guys or girls, whatever, agreeing with what I think, do you have any additional things to add? And they're like, 'Yes,' and then step 4 is present to work together. And from then on, make sure you have a simple agreement. So first, it would be like, 'Okay, let's make sure we have a meeting each week.' So we discuss what are the biggest pain points. And finally, by really adding up by having KPIs, which should be aligned each time. So with KPIs, the marketing team should be the same KPIs to some extent as what the product team has so that you really are relying upon each other.

Reading Recommendations

  • Don't Make Me Think

    by Steve Krug

    Don't Make Me Think is a book by Steve Krug about human-computer interaction and web usability. The book's premise is that a good website or software program should let users accomplish their intended tasks as easily and directly as possible. Krug points out that people are good at satisfying, or taking the first available solution to their problem, so the design should take advantage of this. He frequently cites Amazon as an example of a well-designed website that manages to allow high-quality interaction, even though the website gets bigger and more complex every day.

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People

    by Dale Carnegie

    The book highlights human psychology and reveals to the reader the ways to connect with other auras of human existence and hence influence one another gradually. The success of a person definitely comes from wealth but a majority of it depends on how expressive a person is and how impressive he or she is. The book says that an impression is created only when a person makes others feel important or elevates them to a pedestal of significance.

  • Rework

    by Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson

    REWORK is the perfect playbook for anyone who’s ever dreamed of doing it on their own. Entrepreneurs, small-business owners, and artists who don’t want to starve will all find valuable guidance in these pages.


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  Shanaz from VWO: Hello, everyone. Welcome to another session of the VWO webinar. We’re experts in digital marketing, experimentation, data, and products share their trade tips, and inspiring stories for you to learn from. I am Chanel’s marketing manager at VWO. For those of you ...