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Copywriting: An Underestimated Conversion Influencer

Duration - 50 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • As a marketer, it's important to experience the buying process from a consumer's perspective. Consider purchasing products online to understand the communication and marketing strategies used post-purchase.
  • Stay open and curious about new marketing strategies, even if you're well-versed in the field. There are always new methods being invented that can be learned from.
  • When conducting tests or trials for your marketing strategies, consider tracking individual button clicks or interactions. This can provide valuable data about what works and what doesn't.
  • Use relatable and understandable measurements in your marketing copy to make it more impactful. For example, using the visual of "1200 Olympic-sized pools" to communicate water savings.
  • If there are unanswered questions or confusion about your marketing strategies, be open to addressing these through follow-up emails or further communication. This can help clarify your approach and improve understanding.

Summary of the session

The webinar, hosted by Vipul from VWO, featured Rishi Rawat, Founder of Frictionless Commerce, who emphasized the importance of unique storytelling and surprising details in copywriting for conversion rate optimization. Rishi shared insights on how businesses often overlook their unique aspects, which can be powerful conversion catalysts.

He used the example of the website Skip Lagged, which effectively leveraged their unique story of overcoming a lawsuit from United Airlines. Rishi also highlighted the importance of surprising details, using a hearing aid company as an example, and how interactive elements can positively impact conversion rates.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • Do you find one of these, as your go-to most effective approach? Like, out of the 12 triggers that you have listed. Is there any go-to approach that you follow? Find yourself going to any time.

    - by Nancy Hart
    That's a really good point. Yeah. I know I'm trying to think now. I would, you know, actually, oddly enough, I would say using the visual element is very much underused and so I like to use it a lot. ... I also think that you know, this implied message idea, which I think I had a little earlier, that's very powerful as well. You know, as marketers, we tend to spoon-feed a lot. We want to tell people, hey, we're number 1. We're the best. We have the best shipping prices. We have the best product. If you don't spoon-feed in use, it's almost like being a standard comedian. And, you know, if you just stop right before that point where the user then, you know, our brains are so incredible, we are constantly filling gaps. Whenever there is silence, our brain is filling the gap. So if you can just leave a gap for the brain to fill in that gap, they will fill it in the way that you've designed that previous statement, and that is so powerful. So implied messaging, I think, is also significantly underused by marketers.
  • Do you have any advice on telling a story when we have constraints on the number of characters on the page or the banner?

    - by Koda Shammu
    It's a very good question. So, you know, what I would say is this is something that we've worked on all the time. So going back to that example that we had hopefully I can get to the example. Yeah. Th example right here, you know, instead of you kind of breaking your head, trying to say, okay. I have a character limit. Why not let the buyer tell you what kind of stories they like and what length of story they like? So figure out some clever way like we did over here saying, do you have 2 minutes and do you have time? Someone who says I have time, they are telling us they're raising their hand and saying, I have time. This is an important problem for my family. I want to buy the right air purifier. I'm gonna stay on this page and learn everything I have to learn. So it's a great question, by the way, but don't worry too much about the length of the copy and the limitations around the length of the copy. Maybe you could kind of inject a mechanism to ask the user, you know, do you want all the details or just the more important stuff. And then if someone says I want all the details if someone is selling you as a buyer that I have 20 minutes for you to make your sales pitch, that's a dream come true for a salesperson. So why not just like make them a 20-minute sales pitch? And if someone says I only have 5 minutes, then tell them the final sale page. Don't have one sales page and say, okay, I'm gonna force-feed this to every buyer because every buyer is different.
  • Let's say you've written a copy that will fit in a particular layout. However the final design requires you to modify the number of words that you've used in the copy. So how would you do that? Like, will it not, impact the meaning that you were trying to create in the first, in the initial case?

    - by Vipul
    It's a good question. It's also nuanced in my mind. It doesn't feel like there's going to be that situation. I think design should play a secondary role to copy. Because in my view, the copy is super ...important. Right? But yes, maybe a more practical basis if there may be instances where you have to adjust the copy to match the layout, and as a good copywriter, you can make those adjustments. But, you know, I still think that know, the copy I mean, you know, I'm very biased. Like, I just can't not see copy everywhere I look. So from my view, I think everything else is secondary. But yes, on a more practical basis, I understand that there are going to be compromises, so the copy would have to make some adjustments. Right. Yeah.
  • How do you decide the fine line between content to be perceived as working or as misinterpreted while addressing a larger audience?

    A/B testing. I mean, I think, as you know, when I talk about, like, letting your personality shine, you know, you have to just be your authentic self. So if your authentic self is extremely quirky, or ... is, you know, you like to write in a certain style or the brand, it has a certain voice, reflect that voice. All I'm trying to say is that I find when I work with clients that they're so conservative, even though in private when we talk to them about ideas, it's amazing how creative, quirky, and fun-loving they are. But what if for whatever reason, once that personality is trying to be, we are trying to communicate that personality to our buyers, we wanna have a toned-down version of it and I don't know where that comes from, but at least the data that I have is based on the testing that we do, what we find is that showing your personality drives up conversion rates. Now you have to be authentic. So if your personality is not quirky, then don't inject quirkiness into your copy. It's fake and it doesn't matter if it improves conversion rates. Don't do it. But if your personality is interesting and quirky, then certainly make sure your human side, if you do remember that humans buy from you. We buy from people we like. We are very irrational actors. We assume that, oh, if you have the best price, people will buy from you no matter what, I would argue that's not true. We are completely irrational actors. We behave. We are completely driven by emotion, and our emotions are based on likability. And so if we connect with someone, then we are much more likely to buy from them irrespective of their price point. The price point is the story that we're telling ourselves. So when you buy something that's cheaper, that's the story you're telling yourself - that I bought it both because it's cheaper. Or when you say, you know, I'm buying a premium product, you're telling yourself a story. The truth is that you're buying something because you actually like the product. You like the way it's being sold to you. And you're using rationality to justify something that you did that was irrational. So it's very strange for me for a buyer to say, you know, the reason I bought your air purifier was we've done a test, for example. It's a very interesting test where we actually gave the product a personality. So instead of having a product page, be a description about what the product does. We get the product name and we wrote it in the first person voice where the product is actually speaking directly to the buyer. Very interesting way of testing. A very interesting way of writing copy. But the thing is that for the buyer if I interview them and later on, I say, why did you buy this air purifier? They're not gonna tell me that I bought it because I noticed that your product page had copy written from the perspective of the air purifier speaking to me directly and I loved it. They won't say that. They will say I bought your product because it's the best air purifier. You have the best price point. It fits in with my home needs. They'll give lots of rational reasons for the truth being that they've actually bought it for completely emotional reasons. So keep that in mind as a copywriter. What people say in a survey is different than how our brains actually process information.
  • Since the majority of the examples that you've shared are from the B2C side, so how do you apply the techniques of copywriting for a SaaS business, for a B2B business? How does the dynamics change, or does it change at all?

    - by Elizabeth, Paul
    It's a great question. You know, I worked with a few B2B clients in the financial services space and the healthcare space. Even in other cases as well, I believe that ultimately humans are buying from ... other humans. So as long as you're selling to humans, whether it's a committee of humans or it's an individual human, I think these same principles apply. Yes. If you are selling in a B2B environment, you know, there are certain aspects of these strategies that you will have to modify. Again, it's all about being authentic, but for example, you know, the fact that people are curious about an individual, whether I'm buying, you know, buying a cell phone, I'm curious, but even if I'm buying something that, you know, is as in a B2B environment where it’s me and the CFO and the sales head. All these people in mind were buying a new software package. I'm so curious. I'm still the same human being. In a different context. So I don't think it's worth thinking too much about, oh, we need to have a different playbook for B2B. I would say start off with these 12 checklist items and then essentially, you know, put it in the context of your business and test it out to see what's working and what's not working. Know that in a B2B environment, your sample size is gonna be pretty small, so it's hard to run an A/B test. But you can certainly measure it by using some other proxies to figure it out. But if you notice something that doesn't work in a B2B environment, share it with me as well. I would love to update my model as well based on what you guys are seeing.
  • When you are working for a client, and the client has all the other constraints in place as well. So they want you to focus on SEO as well. They have a list of keywords that they would want you to include in the copy. What do you do in those cases? Because force-fitting certain keywords might again impact the meaning and the associated emotion with it. What's your take on it?

    Yeah. It's a great point. I think SEO really matters. In fact, when I work with clients in our contract, we state one of our action items is that we are not SEO experts, but what I would say more broa ...dly about that topic is that I personally feel that creativity happens within constraints. So when a client tells us that these are the rules that you have to play with. Like these are my SEO rules, I actually find I can write even better copy than when a client says, here is an open canvas. Do whatever you want. So I can't, like, talk specifically about, you know, what those keywords might be and what those constraints might be and how and it's a very valid question. But I think there's an opportunity for us to actually be very creative even within that environment. So I know it's, like, seems like a non-answer. I don't have it. I'm not I can't comment on the SEO part. What I can say is that you know, try it out. I mean, try these techniques and see if it's causing constraints. And if it is, let me know and I'd be very curious to learn about that as well. But I think you should be fine.


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Vipul from VWO: Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for joining in for this VWO webinar. I hope you and your family are safe inside your respective homes, and I wish you all good health. My name is Vipul, and I’m the Marketing Manager at VWO. ...