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Boost your Conversion with Proven Behavioral Science Techniques

Duration - 60 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Use Simple Question Technique: Increase engagement and responses by simplifying your questions and providing answer options. This technique can be used in various contexts, such as in emails or questionnaires.
  • Include a 'Don't Know' Option: Always include a 'don't know' option in your questions. This allows system 1 (intuitive, fast thinking) to provide an answer and keeps the user engaged in your funnel.
  • Avoid Competing Prompts: Too many prompts or options can lead to choice stress and distract from the desired behavior. Simplify your page and focus on a single, clear call to action to increase conversions.
  • Focus on Desired Behavior: Identify the desired behavior you want from your users and design your page to focus on that. This could be downloading a price list, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter.
  • Use Social Proof: Display reviews and testimonials from your clients prominently to boost credibility and conversions. This can be achieved by asking customers to review your product or service after purchase.

Summary of the session

The webinar, hosted by VWO, features Bas Wouters, Founder of the Online Influence Institute, discussing the importance of clear communication and personalization to increase conversions. Bas emphasizes the need to understand your audience and tailor messages accordingly, using data to inform these decisions.

He also addresses the balance between simple language and technical jargon, suggesting that while initial decisions are often made using ‘system 1’ thinking (quick, intuitive decisions), there is a place for more detailed, ‘system 2’ thinking (slow, rational decisions) in the customer journey. The webinar is interactive, with Bos providing practical examples and answering audience questions.

Webinar Video

Top questions asked by the audience

  • Thinking about motivation, etcetera, in such a B2B environment, with a goal in mind to win tenders, are the same principles to be used in such an environment to get a better hit rate?

    - by Dautzen
    Yes. Definitely. It's a really interesting question. Thank you, Dautzen. We often get the question. Does this work in B2B as well? As a general question. I come back to the tender part. And I always ...ask a question back, and I say, are human beings still deciding at that business or are robots deciding? And, luckily, the answer for me is often, yes, still human beings, then these principles apply. A lot of research has been done. So it doesn't matter if it's a B2C approach or a B2B. For the tender part, to give you proper advice, I need to understand a little bit more. So perhaps you can write an answer to my question, and we can come back to it, Dalton. Is the pitch to the tender a physical pitch or a video goal page, or is it only through a website or another online presentation where you cannot right away reply to your audience because there's a difference in my advice. So let's pause this question and come back to it, Jan.
  • Does the principle of using simple language always apply, or can there be exceptions when the audience is actually expecting a lot of technical specifications?

    Again, a great question. Thanks for asking. In the first step of a client journey where you prompt them to stop certain behavior and start at the beginning of your Funnel, your client journey, it alwa ...ys applies because then the other person is not expecting difficult language, actually attracted by the simple language because that human being is still in System 1 focus. Then again, later on the funnel, simpler language will help you to get to the next desired behavior. Although, some people want to have more statistics. I don't have the time to explain this in detail, but you also have (indistinct) people and you have these colors. You have blue, green, red, or yellow, and these people have different preferences about processing information or gaining information before making a choice. The prompt: Yes, always use simple questions, but give people the option for more detailed information. Only to give a full answer will take me 10 to 15 minutes. So I'm happy if this person would seek out on my contact page. I'm happy to schedule a call to give a more detailed answer, but, unfortunately, on time, I have to get a better overview of this answer.
  • How would you suggest using prompts for a website with 2 audiences?

    - by Yosha
    Direct them to, I need to know the audience, of course, but direct them to what you want the audience to do. And probably if you know where they are coming from audience A and audience B, design diffe messages. Design different landing pages, of course, connect the message and the prompts to your audience if that's possible indeed.
  • How to use System 1 in a very technical environment. Would you use, keep it simple, or specialist jargon?

    - by Jeffrey
    So, yes, at the beginning, definitely, System 1 because it makes a choice, and that's interesting. And I will not give you just an idea but what I'm familiar with in the pharmaceutical world. We did r ...esearch, and there are many doctors. They studied for many years at universities to become that. They need to have real, practical experience to kind of call them a medical specialist. And then they say, I'm not, I always use System 1. I'm this rational person. Of course, we were involved in actual research, which shows even this doctor who thinks he doesn't make decisions with System 1 is still just a human being and makes most of the decisions with it, even what kind of medicine they prescribe to their patients. So based on this, we can fairly say, at the moment of making a choice, yes target System 1. But you have to have rational information. And perhaps I can give this example: people who buy a house nowadays, the market in Holland is quite tense. So what happens? We start on a certain website to compare houses, where we want to live, how many bedrooms we want, whether we want an apartment or a house with a garden. These are all System 2 thinking, rational decisions. Then we go look for that certain house, and then you get the cliched case: "Wow. It was actually a little bit too expensive, but I had to buy it because I totally fell in love with the house." Our System 1 made the choice, and that's what the reason shows. So it's about choice making, not about orientation. So the desired behavior, if you know your customer journey, you know a part of your audience needs this rational orientation. The desired behavior is to read an article, to watch a video, or to download a brochure. That's your early stage, perhaps, which also involves designing prompts, increasing ability. But at one moment, you continue to the end stage. It's just the one who makes a choice. That's what science really tells us.


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Jan from VWO:  Hello, everybody, and welcome to a very, very special webinar provided by VWO and someone who we’ve been chasing for quite some time. We are very happy that we finally made it. So what’s gonna happen today? Before I give you the general ...