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Do CRO the right way!

Duration - 50 minutes

Key Takeaways

  • Conduct a competitor analysis to avoid repeating their mistakes and to gain inspiration from their successful strategies. This can save time and effort in your own testing and implementation process.
  • After collecting and analyzing data, formulate a hypothesis for changes to your website. This should include a dependent variable, an independent variable, and an assumption backed by data.
  • Prioritize your solutions using a framework to eliminate biases and subjectivity. This will help you decide which solution to test first and prevent aimless testing.
  • Use the ICE model (Impact, Confidence, Ease) for prioritization. Consider the projected impact of the test, your confidence in its success, and the ease of implementation.
  • Consider the location of the test and the audience it will reach. If the test will impact a large number of people or a high-value audience, it will likely have a high impact.

Summary of the session

The webinar, hosted by Shanaz from VWO, featured Nancy Thakur, a Senior CRO Consultant at VWO. The session was an insightful discussion on Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), where Nancy shared her expertise on the subject, emphasizing the importance of a structured approach and detailed planning. The webinar concluded with a lively Q&A session, reflecting the high level of engagement from the attendees.

Post-webinar, Shanaz encouraged attendees to connect with them on LinkedIn for further discussions or queries about CRO or VWO. The hosts expressed their gratitude to Nancy and the attendees, looking forward to future webinars.

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Top questions asked by the audience

  • Can VWO be used both for client-side and server-side testing?

    - by Vyaches Laf
    Yes. 100%. So, we do have a VWO FullStack product that you can use for server-side testing. If you go to the website, you will be able to see in the product section. It's listed there. You ca ...n easily find out the details about that. So, yeah, we do have this product.
  • Are there any tips for not getting overwhelmed when looking at heatmaps and session recordings. Often I don't see a clear pattern in terms of user behavior.

    - by Alexis Martin
    Okay. So, it's very important firstly, that you are looking at how much sample size you have, you know, at times, you know, this is the challenge which usually comes when you have very less number of ...clicks. You are just looking at probably 200, 300 clicks, and they are not sufficient enough, and you don't see a lot of interaction, right? So first thing, ensure that you have enough sample size. You have enough data to understand and gain valuable learnings from heatmaps. Another thing is if you're not able to understand heatmaps, look at click maps because that will give you a percentage like 10% of people clicked on X, Y, Z element. So you will have more specific information in terms of engagement when you look at the click map. Maybe a heatmap, because it works on the color basis, you're not able to understand. So use click maps in that case. And scroll maps will help you a lot in understanding till what depth your audience is, you know, reading your page, right? For instance, you see that there is some information which is present at 3rd fold and people who do interact with that 3rd fold who do, you know, click there, they have a higher conversion rate. So you know that, you know, right now, only 30% of people are able to see that section because your scroll map shows that. You can now prioritize whatever information is given in that section on the first fold or the second fold where you have, you know, more visibility, right? So I think that will help you a lot because scroll maps plus click maps give you more sort of in terms of percentages, the engagement data.
  • Is it better to isolate pieces or test whole new versions altogether?

    - by Renee Selza
    Okay. Well, see, this depends on your hypothesis. If your changes are related and they are sort of forming one hypothesis, then you can have those multiple changes tested in one test campaign, right? ...And you can have maybe multiple variations. In one variation, you will just have 2 changes; in the other variation, you have the other 2 changes, right? But if you have a lot of changes, maybe 8 to 10 changes that are involved in your hypothesis, it's better to do a split test in that case rather than doing variations because that might divide your entire traffic, and it'll take a lot more time to conclude this step, right? But, yeah, it all depends on your hypothesis, how your hypothesis is. If your hypothesis involves that all of those changes are going to work for a common goal and the data is also supporting that, you can have one campaign with multiple variations as a test campaign for such an idea.
  • How should insights from customer surveys be embedded into a CRO experiment? And if surveys are not responded to, how do you get relevant insights?

    - by Supriya Agarwal
    To get conversion, like, to get engagement and service, it's very important you're asking the right type of questions at the right time, right? Timing is very important. You cannot ask a question w ...hen a person is probably, you know, doing something else and you are, you know, throwing the survey on their face, which is sort of distracting them and it is quite intrusive, right? So you need to have the timing. You know, you need to do research, you know, whatever your question, whatever is accordingly do some research, how other businesses have, you know, at what triggers they have, you know, at what time and what triggers they have used in order to show the survey. Another thing is, you know, to the right audience, you are asking the right questions. So as I mentioned, a site visitor is not going to give you a detailed answer because he does not have a lot of information plus he's not that much invested in you, right? So you can only have multiple-choice questions for such a visitor. But a person who has already purchased from you, maybe he will be open to giving you more detailed feedback, right? And how does this go into your hypothesis library? As I mentioned, for instance, you are trying to understand the USPs that you should highlight on your homepage so that you're able to increase the engagement of the audience of the new visitors from the home page to your, you know, other, bottom of the funnel pages. So in that case, you can ask your site converters. We've already purchased the top 3 things that they loved about you, loved about the product, about the service, and everything. And this insight will tell you what it is exactly that is giving them that 'Aha' moment or it's a great thing for them which is working out, and you can use that information to add those UX fields on the home page. Instead of having generic ones which people use like free shipping and everything, you can have real USPs, which your visitors, your converters are actually telling you, right? That is the reason why they purchased it.
  • Most tools do not show the cart page heatmap or scroll map since the cart page keeps on changing. Is there a way to set up behavior reports on cart pages?

    - by Sumit Ramesh
    Well, I think for, if you use heatmaps there, you should be able to see the cart page. And no matter, like, I would say that, you know, whatever changes you're doing, you will be able to see t ...hat updated heatmap in whatever tool you are using. Right? So I don't see a problem in that. I think that that is more about the tool that you're using.
  • My company is working on revamping the site based on personal opinions, not related to testing. But I have been asked to conduct tests at the same time and I have no idea what the new design is. So how should I approach this?

    - by Tee Buyi
    Okay. Well, when your company has decided to do a revamp, to implement a new design, I would say it's not worth testing, right now, maybe because you know that your efforts will not really be valuable ..., as they have already decided on something new. In this case, I would rather suggest you speak to your leadership who have planned this change, who are deciding this change. And tell them that let's test that new design in sections, and element-wise you can test, right? For instance, you can pick one page, and you can make some changes in the new design so that you are able to gather evidence whether that new design is going to work or not. And you will actually save them from losses because if they go for a complete revamp without testing, they would not know whether it's working out well or not. And most of the time because of the new design, the site visitors, they're not used to the new design. They will find a problem. They will struggle, moving forward, and they will not really convert. So instead of doing that all-in-on change, I would suggest doing incremental sort of testing. Whatever design you have, the new design, you have to pick bits and pieces. Test them out. Validate them and then move forward towards doing the revamp. Once you have tested and you know that this is going to work out. And if it does not, then you need to again suggest to them that this is the modification that should be done in the new design.
  • How many recordings will be enough for pointing out a problem among thousands of recordings, or is it only a verification for a problem you already noticed?

    - by Shay Hackham
    Yeah. So you need not see recordings of the entire website. You already have identified that this is the page and this is the segment of the audience for which the problem is, for instance, your new v ...isitors on the product page; they're not doing add-to-cart. The conversion rate is very low. So you will only pick that audience and you will view recordings for them to understand why. Somewhere you will have an idea, maybe 30%, 40%, by doing a heuristic review, but you will get more confident in your assumption when you see that users, what they are doing. You know, when you see the recording. So I would say, not less than 200 recordings you should see. Definitely, 200 is something you should always look at.


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Shanaz from VWO: Hey, everyone! Welcome to yet another session of VWO webinar where experts in digital marketing, experimentation, data, and product share their trade tips and inspiring stories for you to learn from. I am Shanaz, marketing manager at VWO. For those of ...