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Building an Experience Optimisation Workout Routine

Duration - 40 minutes
Sarah Cridland

Sarah Cridland

Lead Optimisation Strategist, REO Digital

Bhavya Sahni

Bhavya Sahni

Ex - SaaS Revenue Professional, VWO

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Getting a mandate to build a thriving Experience Optimisation (EXO) ecosystem in your enterprise is similar to subscribing to a gym membership for the first time. It’s just the start!

As you can’t go full throttle (and advisably so!) in your first few weeks at the gym, successful Experience Optimisation programs also comprise of crucial building blocks to transform into a beast.

Join Sarah Cridland, Lead Optimisation Strategist at RedEye Optimisation & Bhavya Sahni, Partner Marketer at VWO to learn the making of a rigorous Experience Optimisation Program. The webinar takes place on 17th September 2019 at 09:00 AM ET, 02:00 PM BST.

In just 40 minutes, you will learn how to protect yourself and your team from:

  • Costly mistakes as an outcome of faulty platform selection: Whether your EXO platform delivers upon your departmental goals or not is a function of many input variables – your budget, your current EXO maturity and your skill sets. Sarah will speak about these variables and how they should impact your platform choice.
  • Pitfalls you will encounter as an outcome of not investing enough time: Few EXO teams devote time to reflect internally about opportunity areas, the complexity of experiments and KPIs/goals to impact. The ones who do reward themselves with hockey-stick growth and shining careers. Learn about the importance of ‘prep-time’ in successful EXO programs.
  • Bumping into unforeseen walls if test prioritization is not backed by business impact: Let’s face it – executives yearn for big impacts. Learn how to prioritize your experiments by business impact keeping in mind variables like traffic volumes and current business goals.
  • Cognitive biases by not measuring the right KPIs: What gets measured gets improved. But what happens when you measure the wrong KPIs? Sarah will share real-world examples of customers who might have harmed their conversion rate by focusing on the wrong KPIs during the test.

Who stands to benefit from the webinar? Anyone involved in Digital Experience and those responsible for Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) & Experience Optimisation (EXO) in particular.

About Sarah Cridland:
Sarah has been working in the digital marketing industry for over 12 years. As Lead Optimisation Strategist, Sarah delivers data-driven optimisation programs for RedEye Optimisation clients across Europe such as M&S, Sixt, More Than, Direct Line & Butlin’s.

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