About us

Ishan Goel

Associate Director of Data Science

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I am a data scientist/statistician with a keen interest in research and a flair for writing. I started my career as a software engineer in 2015 and learned to program in Python and Java. I then delved into the world of statistics as I pursued research in causal inference and developed some interesting algorithms for identifying cause and effect in variables. By 2019, I joined VWO as a data scientist and started understanding the field of experimentation and the concepts behind statistical significance. For about 18 months, I took a break and got my masters degree from North Carolina State University. Today, I work as the Associate Director of Data Science at VWO and love to share my learnings with the broader community.

VWO is a SaaS company that offers an experimentation platform that allows you to set up an A/B test on your website in minutes. VWO was founded in 2010 and has ever since been working on developing better experimentation tools and statistics. VWO was my final stop in my journey to build a career in data science where I finally found the right blend of experience in research, product and writing that has today led me to where I am. I deeply espouse VWO’s work culture and growth mindset and owe a lot of my personal growth to the numerous opportunities that VWO has provided me with.

In the past three years, we have led extensive research efforts on statistical significance, writing complex multi-dimensional simulations and developing interesting mathematical solutions to the problems we faced. As a side product of our research, we have developed a regular culture of writing about statistics in an attempt to explain our work to the broader team. 

Then one day, in a casual conversation with Sparsh (our CEO), we decided that it is time that we share our ideas and learnings with the world in the form of a dedicated blog. We decided that the blog should aim to explain the statistical complexities and nuances of experimentation that we have dealt with in the past couple of years. Finally, we decided that above all we want to simplify complex ideas in experimentation statistics while embedding them between interesting stories and intuitive explanations that are relevant for experimenters around the globe.

The vision Sparsh narrated was a rare opportunity for me on the overlap of my passion and my work. I eagerly accepted his vision and that is the story of how this blog was born. 

VWO Stats Blog is a creative effort by us at VWO to share our learnings in the domain of statistics and experimentation with the broader experimentation community.

We look forward to sharing and connecting with all experimenters. Please shoot any questions, comments or ideas at ishan.goel@wingify.com.

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